Category: Headlines

The dilemma with security architectures

A turning point in Germany. The EU is coming together in a unity rarely seen before. NATO shows its teeth. Putin's invasion of Ukraine is changing Europe. Everything suddenly has to be rethought and aligned with new realities. Economic policy, energy policy, security policy. In Ukraine, as in Georgia and Syria, Putin's soldiers have been given no opportunity for heroic deeds, not for glory and honour on the battlefield. Soldierly virtues no longer apply where war is waged against cities and civilians, where war crimes become a strategy. Where a far superior NATO has to stand by and watch, because the consequences of intervention are likely to lead to an even greater catastrophe...


Drones monitor sulphur emissions in the Baltic Sea

Remotely piloted aircraft will be used to search for ships that do not comply with the sulphur limits in the region. The project, carried out by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) together with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, is a continuation of similar projects that EMSA has carried out in this area. Over the next three months, a drone will measure the sulphur content in the exhaust plumes of ships travelling through the Baltic Sea. The "sniffer" will be able to detect any breaches of the applicable limit values. At the same time, image data will also be collected for hydrographic surveying. The remote-controlled aircraft will take off from the Staberhuk military base...


New international task force for the Red Sea established

The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) have established a new international naval task force to enhance maritime security in the Red Sea region. During a ceremony at the US Navy's regional headquarters in Bahrain on 17 April, Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, commander of US Naval Forces Central Command, US 5th Fleet and the CMF, commissioned Combined Task Force (CTF) 153, the US Navy said. As the fourth task force of the CMF, CTF 153 will focus on international maritime security and capacity building in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden. The CMF is the...


For the sinking of a cruiser

Wrong place, insufficient capability or arrogance? On 15 April, Russia was forced to admit that the missile cruiser "Moskva" had sunk while being towed back to port. The Russian and Ukrainian versions differed, marineforum reported. Will this have consequences for the way naval forces operate and the risks they take? The last time a ship of comparable size to the Moskva was sunk by an enemy force was in 1982, when the Argentinian light cruiser "General Belgrano" was torpedoed by the Royal Navy's submarine "Conqueror" during the ten-day Falklands War. However, this is hardly comparable, because the submarine...


Kölle Alaaf für die Korvette „Köln“

Die sechste Köln: Ein besonderer Tag, den man bei den Marine-Enthusiasten der Domstadt und des „Freundeskreis Marineschiffe Köln“ ersehnt hatte: Am 21. April erhielt die sechste Köln offiziell ihren Namen. Noch ersehnter ist die Korvette jedoch in der Marine, denn die Aufträge und Einsätze sind umfangreich und zunehmend. Um 10.30 Uhr folgte der Reigen der Begrüßungsreden der Ehrengäste. Für die ARGE 130 sprach Tim Wagner, CEO der NVL B.V. & Co. KG als Unternehmen, das zusammen mit thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH und GERMAN NAVAL YARDS KIEL GmbH das Projekt leitet, für das Bundesministerium der Verteidigung die parlamentarische Staatssekretärin Siemtje...
