Category: Headlines

Netherlands seeks authorisation of PCASPs

Despite the recent decline in piracy in the Gulf of Aden, the sea area is still considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Captains and shipowners are therefore happy to have their ships escorted by warships. To ensure the protection of cargo and crew, soldiers or so-called Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) can also be taken on board when travelling through the dangerous waters. However, not every country allows shipowners to take PCASPs on board. Now the Dutch Minister of Justice and Security, Fred Grapperhaus, has presented a draft law that would allow ships to take such security personnel on board. This...


France takes over Task Force 50

On 31 March, France took command of Task Force 50 (TF 50). This task force of the American armed forces in the Persian Gulf region is under the command of the US Naval Forces Central Command (USNAVCENT). France is now temporarily contributing the strike group around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. This includes the frigate Provence, the air defence frigate Chevalier Paul, the supply ship Var and the Belgian frigate Leopold I. Including the support forces, France thus provides 2700 soldiers. The task force's mission includes securing the sea area and combating terrorism in the region. Both France and Great Britain...


US Navy fires Naval Strike Missile

The USS Gabrielle Giffords successfully tested a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) in the Pacific. The ship belongs to the Independence class and is capable of carrying up to eight of these missiles on board. Both types of American Littoral Combat Ships (Independence and Freedom class) carry the same number of NSMs and are the main armament. The missile, originally called Nytt sjømålsmissil, was developed by the Norwegian company Kongsberg. It is equally suitable for engaging sea and land targets up to a distance of over 100 nautical miles. The total weight is 407 kilos and the warhead weighs 125 kilos.


France orders two more FDIs from Naval Group

During a visit by French Defence Minister Florence Parly to the Naval Group in Lorient on 30 March, the order for two additional Frégates de Défense et d'Intervention (FDI) was announced. The order was placed by the procurement agency DGA. The acceleration of the FDI programme also serves to secure the order situation at Naval in Lorient, where the frigates are to be built. The two ships, numbers two and three in a series of five units, are both due to be delivered to the Marine Nationale as early as 2025. The original plan was to put these FDIs into service 18 months apart. The first ship in the class,...


Japan's coastguard orders new Super Pumas

The Japanese Coast Guard has ordered two more H 225 helicopters from Airbus. This will bring their fleet to a total of two AS 332s and 15 H 225s. The country's coastguard only commissioned its tenth H 225 in February. This makes it the largest fleet of Airbus helicopters in Japan. The Coast Guard received its first Super Puma almost 30 years ago. Airbus ensures the reliable operation of the H-225 fleet through a spare parts and service supply programme known as HCare. A total of almost 30 Super Pumas are deployed in Japan for various missions. The H 225 is the latest development from...
