Category: Books

Recommended reading: Annual report of the naval command

The Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, presented the annual report of the Naval Command at the Maritime Convention in Berlin on 21 November 2023. He explained: "The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which has continued with unchanged intensity since February last year, clearly demonstrates not only the vulnerability of our globally networked world economy, but also continues to have an impact on the global flow of goods". Referring to the global security policy challenges, he explained: "With the 2023 plan, I have reaffirmed the path we have taken to consistently align the German Navy with the requirements of national and alliance defence. With our 'Naval Course...


Book tip: Mastering the Art of Command

Trent Hone: Mastering the Art of Command. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Victory in the Pacific, Naval Institute Press 2022 Trent Hone, who already caused a stir with his book "Learning War. The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the U.S. Navy, 1898-1945" caused a sensation, has topped this with this book about Admiral Nimitz. Here it becomes clear why Nimitz, with his strategic thinking, his willingness to take risks in the fight against the Imperial Japanese fleet after their attack on Pearl Harbor, his fundamental understanding of the importance of logistics, his deliberate selection of personnel for battle groups based on his experience as a personnel leader in the 1930s, his...


Book tip: Naval technology of the Second World War

Motorbuch-Verlag presents its new book, hot off the press: Marinetechnik des zweiten Weltkriegs Entwicklung - Einsatz - Konsequenzen Hans Karr, a long-standing expert on naval ships, author of countless specialist articles and freelance contributor to the Marineforum, is publishing his latest work after a long break. Before and during the Second World War, naval technology underwent perhaps its most fundamental change: proud battleships such as the Bismarck or the Yamato were soon only suitable as museum pieces after the advent of aircraft carriers. Many developments, such as the large-scale deployment of submarines, were based on experience gained during the First World War. Naval expert and successful author Hans Karr traces the important developments in weapons technology up to the...


Book tip - Innovating Victory

Vincent P. O'Hara and Leonard R. Heinz: Innovating Victory: Naval Technology in Three Wars, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis 2022 The current maritime debate about future technologies, platforms and strategies is characterised by questions of effectiveness against equal opponents and their new weapon systems. Here, the innovative approach of the two authors O'Hara and Heinz could help to analyse this problem more promisingly in the future. Both analyse six key technologies of naval warfare from the Russo-Japanese War, the First and Second World Wars, such as new platforms (submarines and aircraft), new weapons (torpedoes and mines) and new tools (radar and radio). They compare their early or late introduction to the...


The battle for the North Pole

Michael Paul: The Battle for the North Pole. Die Arktis, der Klimawandel und die Rivalität der Großmächte, Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 2022 In German-speaking countries, there are individual analyses of the history of the Arctic, the possible challenges of climate change with the melting of the ice cap at the pole and on Greenland, the possible future use of the Arctic Ocean to shorten sea transport routes from Europe to Asia, the possible extraction of oil and gas from the depths of the sea and the legal dispute over the expansion of national waters and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs). However, no author has yet attempted to link these individual aspects together...
