Category: Marines from all over the world

USA: Golden pilot award for Tom Cruise and Jerry Bruckheimer

It's worth the wait! Almost 35 years after the hit film Top Gun, actor Tom Cruise (58) and producer Jerry Bruckheimer (77) were awarded the US Navy's Golden Pilot's Medal in mid-October at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles. The cult film from 1986 "touched the hearts of millions and had a great influence on the recruitment of Navy pilots". The film is always a pleasure to watch - even as a simple sailor. Next year, the sequel will be released in...


SOUTH KOREA: Finally a real training ship again!

The HANSANDO, which displaces 4500 tonnes, can take up to 300 student officers on board with a crew of 120. In the South Korean navy, the cadets are in their third year of sea training, which they had previously undergone in shifts on board the regular units. The bridge, operations centre, armament and engine rooms have a double layout. However, the vertically installed missile silo is not equipped. In addition to conference rooms, training laboratories and a simulation computer, there is a helicopter deck and hangar, as well as an infirmary, medical operating theatre and a negative pressure isolation chamber for combating viruses and epidemics....


SPAIN: Sailing training ship JUAN SEBASTIAN DE ELCANO leaves port

The training ships' trips abroad also look very different in times of coronavirus. On 24 August, the training sailing ship JUAN SEBASTIAN DE ELCANO set sail from a quarantine zone in the port of Cadiz in south-west Spain on its 93rd training voyage. The special thing about it was that it was not just the fifth circumnavigation of the almost hundred-year-old four-masted topsail schooner. This round-the-world voyage is being organised to mark the 500th anniversary of the voyage of discovery of its namesake, who completed the voyage started by Magellan with five ships and 270 men after three years - with just 18 men and one ship. Times have changed. Before the expiry date...


SPAIN: first operational use of the ScanEagle drone

During its Eunavfor deployment as part of Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia, the Spanish Navy was able to deploy its RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft system) ScanEagle from Boeing Insitu from on board the frigate REINA SOFIA (SANTA MARIA class) for the first time. The Spanish Navy's drone squadron based in Cadiz has three systems, each with four drones and a remote control station. It is a fairly inexpensive system with good endurance (18 hours), a simple launch pad and even simpler landing procedure, which can be viewed on Twitter #rpas or @Armada_esp. The US Marines and US Navy have been using these systems since 2005. In the meantime...


RUSSIA: Test of the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile

On 6 October, the Russian Navy released the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile from aboard the frigate ADMIRAL GORSCHKOW (Project 22350) for the first time and fired it at a maximum distance of 450 kilometres at eight times the speed of sound at a target in the Barents Sea. The entire sequence took less than five minutes. This meant that it was not even necessary to use the 24-hour time buffer in case something went wrong. Just in time for his 68th birthday the following day, Army General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of Defence, was able to present the report of the successful shot to his President in due form and with complete peace of mind....
