Category: News

Russian submarine exercise in the Mediterranean

On 21 February, the Russian media announced that a submarine hunting manoeuvre would take place in the eastern Mediterranean from 15 to 25 February 2022. One Slava-class cruiser (Marshal Ustinov, Varyag) and one Udaloy-class submarine frigate (Vitseadmiral Kulakov, Admiral Tributs) from the Northern and Pacific Fleet and the Gorshkov-class frigate Admiral Kasatonov (NF) have joined the frigate Admiral Grigorovich, which has transferred from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. The two ships of the Pacific Fleet had already been in the Gulf region since the beginning of the year. The units of the Northern Fleet moved past Ireland into the Mediterranean at the beginning of February....


Israel and its neighbours

It was not only Iran's threatening activities in the Middle East, but also Moscow's internationally unsettling pressure on NATO and its military harassment of Ukraine that finally brought together what had long seemed impossible: in mid-February, Israel's navy took part in a joint naval manoeuvre with the navies of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for the first time. IMX22 (International Maritime Exercise, bi-annual, since 2012), probably the most extensive exercise ever organised by US Central Command and its 5th Fleet in the Middle East region, provided the opportunity for this. A good dozen navies participated with military units, including Gulf neighbours that were not previously on Israel's primary partner list. Observers and co-operation partners were...


DNV and partners invite you to World Maritime Day

"New technologies for greener shipping" is the motto of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO, for 2022. The German Maritime Day fits in perfectly with the guiding principle of "Sustainable shipping: Together, clear, clean!" and it is no coincidence that the official United Nations World Maritime Day and the German Maritime Day fall on the same day, 29 September 2022. All information about German Maritime Day, the national maritime event in 2022, the background and motivations, the organisers, partners and supporters, the goals and ambitions and, of course, the extensive and detailed information about the...


Adler Mannheim support Bundeswehr running team

Pinneberg, 21.02.2022 - The Bundeswehr and Reservists running team will receive further support in future. The Adler Mannheim, eight-time champions of German ice hockey, will be supporting the work of the Bundeswehr and Reservists running team in future. Major General Gert Nultsch, Chairman of the association, which is in the process of being founded, is delighted with the cooperation that has come about: "A collaboration like this is always recognition of our work and the commitment of the many runners who, together with the running team, get involved in the various projects and raise funds." Adler Mannheim is a German ice hockey team that has been playing in the German Ice Hockey League since 1994 and was founded in 1980...


Marinha Portuguesa can't save a Porsche

Addendum from 26.02.2022 The fire on board the "Felicity Ace" has been considered extinguished since midday on 25 February. With 4,000 cars, mainly from the VW Group, as cargo with a value of around 400 million euros (i.e. almost half a billion euros!), insurers are now calling for decisive investment in the mandatory installation of automatic extinguishing systems based on high-pressure water mist on board ships of this size - less damage to the cargo, no impairment of the stability of the transport platform! Salvage experts have boarded the ship for the first time to be able to tow the drifting, 200 metre long vessel to a safe harbour for inspection. Also...
