Category: News

An aircraft carrier for Turkey?

On the occasion of the Spanish-Turkish intergovernmental talks that have just taken place in Ankara, President Erdogan offered the Spanish President Pedro Sanchez extended cooperation opportunities in shipbuilding for the future. This could involve a somewhat larger aircraft carrier as well as new submarines similar to the S-80 type currently under construction.


Review of the Maritime Convention 2021

Originally planned as a face-to-face event, this year's Maritime Convention participants were able to listen to the two-part presentation on China! Maritime driver for Europe?! via webinar. The DMI hosted the event together with griephan in his customary expert manner. The key question of the first panel "China is a littoral on the South China Sea?" was answered by the Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Germany, Mr Laurence Bay, in a reversal of the facts: Germany and the EU are littoral states on the South China Sea. He sees this not only in the presence of European merchant ships in this sea area and in the numerous branches of European companies in this region, more than 2,000 in Singapore alone...


White cap against shuttle....

Commanding a ship or boat in the German Navy is undoubtedly one of, if not the most important assignment in the career of a naval officer. Unfortunately, this does not always last and so the day comes when you have to hand over your command again. The outgoing commander, Frigate Captain Phillip Wohlrab, has been in charge of the BRAVO crew for the last three years. Together with his team, he completed many training and exercise phases and is regarded as an experienced commander in the corvette squadron. He was also deployed twice with his BRAVOs in the UNIFIL mission off the coast of Lebanon....
