Category: News

Impulses for defence policy 2022 - Symposium on 7 March 2022

The DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR WEHRTECHNIK e.V. is holding the symposium "Prospects for the defence industry 2022" on 7 March 2022. Offline. For more than 10 years, the Defence Industry Perspectives Symposium has been the kick-off event of DWT and SGW for the respective event year. It has proved extremely successful in this function. Statements made by the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and senior representatives of the security and defence industry at the beginning of the year always provide important points of reference for the further development of defence policy, but above all for equipping the Bundeswehr in the current year. This applies in particular to the Symposium 2022, which is now being held a few months after the formation of the...


IRIS-T SLM air defence system successfully tested

Bodengebundenes Luftverteidigungssystem IRIS-T SLM beweist unter realistischen Einsatzbedingungen seine Leistungsfähigkeit. Kürzel sind immer etwas wunderbares - alle meinen es zu kennen, nur Eingeweihte wissen es tatsächlich! IRIS-T steht für Infra Red Imaging System - Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled; SLM steht für Surface Launched Medium Range. Oder eben noch etwas lesbarer: IRIS-T ist ein Luft-Luft-Lenkflugkörper mit Infrarotsuchkopf für den Nah- und Nächstbereich, der in der SLM-Version nun auch von ebenerdigen Plattformen aus gestartet werden kann. Er wurde in Deutschland federführend bei der Überlinger Diehl BGT Defence zusammen mit sechs weiteren Staaten entwickelt. Aus einer Pressemitteilung des Herstellers: Erfolgreiches Schießen mit dem weiterentwickelten System:...


New Federal Government Coordinator for Maritime Economy and Tourism

Claudia Müller succeeds Norbert Brackmann The coordinator is based at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, where her predecessor had been in office since 2018. Claudia Müller also comes from the coast. Born in Rostock, she worked as a freelancer in the culture and tourism sector from 2004. She studied international business administration in Stralsund and has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2017. Not only has the Ministry of Economic Affairs been renamed the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, but the role of coordinator has also been given a different name: it is now called "Economy and Tourism". Norbert Brackmann was known for not only successfully representing the interests of...
