Category: News

Brazil - Dramatic images: Sailing training ship in distress

As a seafarer, you don't want to have to look at these pictures, but as a chronicler of maritime events, you can't close your eyes to them. The Rio Guayas through the centre of Ecuador's port city of Guayaquil, home to 3 million people, can be a killer! At its narrowest point, a smart pedestrian bridge was built from the city to the green island of Santay in 2014, but in 2017 and 2018, two military units failed in their attempt to defy the fierce tidal current to catch the open passage. After the delicate-looking bridge had only recently been repaired, the Ecuadorian Navy asked the President of Ecuador via the Ministry of Defence to dismantle it again in mid-September.


Segelschulschiff jagt Drogen-Schnellboot – und gewinnt

Die Gegner könnten nicht ungleicher gewesen sein: Ein schmuckes Segelschulschiff ähnlich der GORCH FOCK und ein hochmotorisierter, halbtauchender Drogenschmuggler! Und dennoch gelang der ecuadorianischen Dreimastbark GUAYAS das Kunststück, das drogenbepackte Schnellboot auf seiner Fahrt nach Norden abzufangen und aufzubringen. Schieres Glück und großes Pech halfen dem Kommandanten – einerseits günstige Winde und ständige Information über die Lageänderung durch die amerikanische Luftüberwachung der Anti-Drogen-Taskforce, andererseits Ausfall von zwei der drei Außenbords-Motoren und vielleicht auch die beeindruckende Silhouette eines Dreimasters aus der Froschperspektive. Auch wenn der Segler bestenfalls 10 Knoten laufen konnte, wäre das Boot mit 40 Knoten deutlich im Vorteil...


Celebration to mark 66 years of the Bundeswehr

From office to ministry... On 12 November 1955, the Bundeswehr was born with the handover of 101 certificates of appointment to the volunteers of the army, air force and navy. The then Minister of Defence, Theodor Blank, began preparations for the rearmament of the young Federal Republic of Germany in 1950 in the Blank Office with other members of the Himmerode Group of Experts. The Himmerode Memorandum is regarded as the basis from which ideas and the "Innere Führung" leadership concept for the formation of the Bundeswehr were taken and implemented. The Bundeswehr celebrated the 66th anniversary of its founding with several events throughout Germany. In Rostock city harbour, the air force presented itself alongside the "Patriot" air defence missile system...


Helicopter drones for the navy's corvettes

From a press release issued by the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) in Koblenz The BAAINBw has concluded a contract with Elektroniksystem und Logistik GmbH (ESG) for the delivery of three "Sea Falcon" unmanned rotary-wing aircraft systems. The systems, whose main components each consist of two Skeldar V-200 aircraft and a ground control station, will be fully integrated into the K130 class corvettes. Modern reconnaissance tool for the navy The system enables the corvettes to reconnoitre and identify sea targets beyond the range of the on-board optical sensors. Due to its low optical and acoustic signature - especially when flying at night -...
