Category: News

Defence Minister visits the naval school in Flensburg-Mürwik on 14 October

On Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 1 pm, the Federal Minister of Defence, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, will be visiting the Mürwik Naval Academy. After the minister arrives, she will be welcomed by the commandant of the naval school, Flotilla Admiral Jens Nemeyer (58). A three-hour programme is planned for her. The Minister will gain a personal impression of the practical training of the officer candidates. In personal discussions with soldiers, the Minister will have the opportunity to gain an insight into the daily routine of officer training at the Mürwik Naval Academy. The first stop on her tour will be the ship handling simulator, which was modernised in 2018. Here...


Submarine "U35" returns from deployment on 15 October

Submarine "U35" returns to its home harbour from the EU mission "Irini". It is expected back on Friday, 15 October at 10 am. Under the command of Corvette Captain Oliver Brux (34), the boat took part in the European Union's Operation "Irini". Its task was to monitor and enforce the arms embargo against Libya, but also to disrupt smuggling activities on the refugee routes in the Mediterranean. "Our main task in the unit was the image reconnaissance of suspicious ships and boats and therefore also the collection of information," said the commander. The operational area extended from the central and southern Mediterranean south of the island of Sicily...


Maritime Cluster Northern Germany at MMG Mecklenburger Metallguss

A visit to the propeller makers Huge production halls in which machines several metres high pour liquid metal into a mould. It's hard to believe, but a printer applies layer after layer of a model ship's propeller - all in XXL format. Where are we? On 30.09.21 at Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH (MMG) in Waren an der Müritz. 20 guests were able to see for themselves how ship propellers are made. The event was organised by the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) under the motto "On board at ...". "With 'On board at', the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany gives its members the opportunity to exchange ideas in a small, exclusive group and...


Hartmut Spieker: Poland on course west. Personal encounters

With this book, the author would like to take us on a historical and security policy journey into the 1990s. He describes small and large events from his time as defence attaché in Poland from 1994 to 1998. At that time, the Federal Republic of Germany was already in its fourth year of reunification, the Soviet Union had imploded and many former Warsaw Pact states were on their way to a hopefully better future in a free Europe. At the time, no politician had a blueprint for this changing Europe. The defence alliance NATO had lost its great enemy and was looking for new,...


"USS Connecticut": Underwater collision in the South China Sea

Submerged on patrol in the South China Sea, the nuclear-powered Seawolf-class submarine runs into an unknown underwater object. The incident occurred on 2 October. According to the US 7th Fleet, the "USS Connecticut" was in international waters. Eleven crew members suffered injuries such as bruises and lacerations. Two of the cases were categorised as 'moderate', the others as 'minor'. After the collision, the submarine was able to continue its journey. According to the US Navy, the submarine was stable and fully operational. Weapons and sensor systems as well as the propulsion system remained unaffected. The unit is now travelling to Guam to assess the damage. On its own keel, that is...
