Category: News

"Northern Coasts" 2021: Major international manoeuvre in the Baltic Sea

From 10 September 2021, the Baltic Sea will once again be the venue for one of the most important multinational exercises to improve strategic planning and tactical communication between the participating nations. The large-scale manoeuvre "Northern Coasts" is an essential component of cross-force cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. The protection of the northern flank is an elementary focus of the German Navy in its return to national and alliance defence. More than 2000 soldiers from 14 nations are coming together under the leadership of Sweden this year. Over 30 ships, 10 aircraft and various land units will train the complex interaction of all forces in a fictitious situation on land and at sea along Sweden's coastline.


MCN – Positive Entwicklungen trotz Pandemie

Mitgliederversammlung des Maritimen Clusters Norddeutschland. Wachsende Mitgliederzahlen, eine überarbeitete Strategie und die inhaltliche Fokussierung auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit – bei der Mitgliederversammlung des Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. (MCN) berichteten der Vorstand und die Geschäftsführung über die Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse des aktuellen und zurückliegenden Jahres. Coronabedingt fand die Versammlung am 6. September 2021 virtuell statt. Rund 100 Personen nahmen teil. Die Handlungsfelder Vernetzung, Innovation, Personal, Wissens- und Technologietransfer und Internationalisierung hat das MCN im zurückliegenden Jahr erfolgreich mit unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten bearbeitet. Viele dieser Aktivitäten führte es virtuell durch. Mit dem in diesem Monat gestarteten Projekt GreenOffshoreTech wird das MCN...


Review Saltwater Leadership, Second Edition

Almost simultaneously with the article by K.z.S Nils Brandt, Commander SSS Gorch Fock, on the importance of sail training for prospective naval officers of the German Navy on 19 July 2021 in MarineForum Online, the second edition of Saltwater Leadership will be published by the U.S. Naval Institute in August this year. Written by highly experienced naval officers, it is intended to serve as a foundation for the first steps of prospective naval officers in the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marines, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine as leaders of subordinate personnel. It is deliberately written as a short, simple book, which is also divided into Five Minute Sentences of...


Argentine Navy - The HEROINA in Puerto Belgrano

In Puerto Belgrano, Argentina's largest naval base about 700 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, shortly before Bahia Blanca, a ship has been "heroically" moored at the pier for ten years, unable to move under its own power: the Heriona is missing a crucial gearbox spare part from England! The four FK destroyers of the Almirante-Brown class (Meko 360 H2) built by Blohm+Voss in the early 1980s are the largest units in Argentina and are equipped with four gas turbines for propulsion. Two are connected to each shaft, and if they are not running for slow speed, nothing works! After the part was handed over to an English company for repair in 2010,...
