Category: Shipping

Seebataillon unter neuer Führung

Am Dienstag, den 27. September 2022 um 14 Uhr, übergab der Kommandeur der Einsatzflottille 1, Flottillenadmiral Henning Faltin (56), das Kommando über das Seebataillon von Fregattenkapitän Norman Bronsch (41) an Fregattenkapitän Patrick Steinbach (41). Fregattenkapitän Bronsch führte die Soldatinnen und Soldaten des Seebataillon die letzten zwei Jahre durch eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten und Vorhaben, denen er aktiv seine persönliche Note verliehen hat. Allerdings war seine Kommandeurszeit auch sehr stark durch die Covid-19-Pandemie geprägt - und damit immer mit der Frage verbunden, wie in der Pandemie die Einsatzfähigkeit und Moral des Seebataillon möglichst hochgehalten werden konnte. In seiner Zeit als...


Naval Base Command Kiel has a new boss

On Monday, 26 September 2022, Frigate Captain Lars Petersen (53) handed over command of the Kiel naval base to Frigate Captain Jan Dobberstein (45). Petersen had been in charge of the naval base command with the naval harbour "Kiel-Wik" and around 250 soldiers and employees since September 2019. "Being the commander of this special naval base, in my home town of all places, was an immense stroke of luck for me. In addition to the many encounters with people from Kiel and the surrounding area, the return of the 'Gorch Fock' and Kiel Week 2022 were very special moments for me. After three years, I am leaving with a lot of melancholy but with the good feeling of...


New commander in Parow

On Thursday, 22 September 2022 at 11 a.m., Captain Oliver Jülke (58) handed over command of the Naval Technology School (MTS) Parow to Captain Sven Janssen (51). Captain Jülke was responsible for the MTS for four and a half years or 1,494 days. He also represented MTS in public life in the region in and around Stralsund. During his time in office, the school was able to show how diverse training in the Bundeswehr can be on Armed Forces Day. "It was one of the most outstanding assignments of my time. Working with the soldiers and the staff...


All good things come in threes

Specialist conferences at the German Shipping Day At the German Shipping Day on 29 September in Bremen, numerous industry experts will come together to discuss the key issues for the future of shipping. The overall event, which has the motto "Sustainable shipping, together, clear, clean!", offers not just one, and not two, but three high-calibre specialist events that are also accessible free of charge to anyone interested. You can choose which of these events you would like to attend: Freedom of the seas: Sustainable safeguarding of sea routes as the basis for fair global trade and security of supply (in Bremen's Haus der Wissenschaft)...


The pressure is on the seafarers

Psychosocial effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine on the living and working environment of seafarers on board In commercial shipping, men and women generally work under high psychological pressure. A high degree of responsibility for the ship, the cargo and above all for the crew, the ever-increasing demands of the authorities and administration, the special challenges of shipping such as weather conditions and climate, long absences from home and family, daily time shifts, fatigue, loneliness and monotony. In addition, there is the particular psychological stress caused by extraordinary events such as accidents, especially those resulting in death, personal injury, and...
