Category: Shipping

"Gorch Fock" departed for the east today under a new commander

After the summer break and Kiel Week, the new commander is now back in training mode. The sail training ship "Gorch Fock" will leave its home port of Kiel today on Monday, 8 August 2022 at 10:00 a.m. to set off on its first training voyage abroad under the command of Captain Andreas-Peter Graf von Kielmansegg (55). For the first time in a long time, more than 100 cadets from the 2021 crew will go to sea on the white three-master. The plan is to take part in the Hanse Sail in Rostock, as well as a harbour stay in Szczecin (Poland) and Helsinki (Finland). The ship will return to its home port at the end of September.


Spain supports its fisheries

No model for Germany The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) will grant aid totalling 40,000 euros per shipping company to "supplement" the economic situation of fishermen caused by the war in Ukraine. This is the result of a royal decree published on Tuesday. The decree makes it possible to supplement state aid for companies that own fishing boats in order to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the Russian invasion. This is Article 19 of Royal Decree-Law 14/2022 of 1 August on measures for economic sustainability in the areas of transport, scholarships and study grants, as well as energy saving, energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption.


NVL GROUP at the SMM for the first time

Naval Vessel Lürssen", newly founded last year in October as the Defence division of the Lürssen Group, is now taking part in SMM as such for the first time. The new name is also intended to convey new content, naturally with representative space. To this end, around 100 square metres have been booked to introduce visitors to the shipyard group. The programme includes the presentation of the entire portfolio of government and naval shipbuilding. Visitors to the stand can expect a visual leitmotif: communication and interaction with a customised stand design, also to demonstrate the independence of the NVL Group from Lürssen. The fact that the company management and the people involved are known to be the same and are also based at the traditional...


The return of history - even on the water

A cruise through maritime history shows connecting lines to the present and future The sea is back. In people's minds. Initially, it made a name for itself ecologically - through its man-made pollution. Then it hit the headlines due to its role as an escape route to Europe. And finally, it was and is the maritime arms race in Asia that puts the dependence of the global economy and its globalised logistics on free waterways on the geopolitical agenda. This makes it all the more worthwhile to take a close look not only at the present and future, but also at the history of the oceans. Because much of what has happened there...


Change of command on the corvette "Braunschweig"

The crew "Charlie" has a new commander. On Thursday, 28 July 2022, Corvette Captain Pascal Störk (40) handed over command of the crew "Charlie" to Corvette Captain Christian Rodust (37). The ceremony was led by the commander of the 1st Corvette Squadron, Frigate Captain Kenneth Harms (42). Korvettenkapitän Störk was commander for around two years, during which time he was also deployed to UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) and has now been back home with his crew since March. "I still have fond memories of Christmas Eve, when we enjoyed our Christmas dinner with the entire crew in the sunshine and had a Christmas party with the support...
