Category: Shipbuilding

Naval shipbuilding impressions from Kiel

In fine weather: naval shipbuilding at tkms and GNYK The first submarine of the 218 SG class (RSS Invincinble) is currently being prepared for further shipyard trials at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkms). According to a spokesperson for the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), the "First of Class" will not be transferred to Changi Naval Base until 2022. The RSS Impeccable was transferred from the construction hall to the synchrolift on 8 February 2021. On request, the RSN press department will not comment on a date for the naming ceremony. In addition to the RSS Impeccable, U 36 from the 1st submarine squadron of the German Navy can also be...


The first is number two

Even though it was the first unit in the series of six ordered and up to 22 required multi-purpose stealth frigates (30FFM) to be launched at the Mitsui shipyard in Tamano in mid-November, the "Kumano" is only the second of its class. The type ship, which was due to be launched at the beginning of November and whose name has not yet been announced, is still on the shelf at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Nagasaki due to problems with the gas turbine train. Combined MAN diesel and Rolls-Royce gas turbine propulsion should at least accelerate these frigates to 30 knots. Compact design and automated technology have made it possible to reduce costs and crew numbers -...
