Category: Security policy

A heart for dergls

Die kleinsten Einheiten im Dienste der Marine Ihr wisst es: Die Redaktion hat ein Herz für Dergls. Wir berichten gern einmal über die Boote der WTD, Schlepper und kleine Hafen- und Hilfsfahrzeuge. Da muss es keinen besonderen Anlass geben, es reicht einfach, auch den "Kleinen" mit ihren meist zivilen Besatzungen einfach mal Respekt zu zollen für ihren Dienst und ihre Zuverlässigkeit. Ohne diese Helfer gäbe es keine unkomplizierten Barkassenfahrten, keine "mal eben"-Transporte und keine Schlepphilfe. Alles für die "kleinen Dinge des Marine-Lebens", die zwei Mann Besatzung bewältigen können. Was haben wir hier? Die Schleppbarkasse "Borby" Y1687, 12 Meter lang...


Combat swimmers under new leadership

Am Mittwoch, den 26. März 2025 um 13 Uhr, übergibt der Kommandeur der Einsatzflottille 1, Flottillenadmiral Christian Walter Meyer, das Kommando über das Kommando Spezialkräfte der Marine (KSM) von Fregattenkapitän Sebastian Schuldt an Kapitän zur See Jörg Buddenbohm. Für Fregattenkapitän Schuldt endet die Kommandeurszeit nach zweieinhalb Jahren, die von großen Veränderungen geprägt war. "Der Wechsel von einer dauerhaften Bindung im Sahel im Rahmen vom internationalen Krisenmanagement hin zu einer Fokussierung auf den erweiterten Ostseeraum vor dem Hintergrund der Zeitenwende hat das Kommando Spezialkräfte der Marine ebenso stark geprägt wie die Neuaufstellung im Jahr 2023 und der anschließende Aufwuchs um...


USA bans "Chinese military companies"

At the beginning of January 2025, the US Department of Defence (DoD) published its annual list of companies with links to the Chinese military. This list now also includes the shipping giant COSCO Shipping as well as two of its subsidiaries and other companies, including the oil company China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). There have long been reports of links between Chinese companies and their own military. The Pentagon has repeatedly specified this list in order to prevent US companies from cooperating with the 134 companies listed. These include Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members:...


Mürwik Naval School: Farewell, officers' letters and a ball

Farewell ceremony for Crew 10/2024 at the naval officers' alma mater On 14 March, the entire staff of the Mürwik Naval Academy - 300 servicemen and women as well as civilian employees - took part in a graduation ceremony. The occasion was the completion of the military officer training course for 70 members of crew 10/2024. The special guest of honour at this event was the former Deputy Inspector of the Navy and Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces, retired Vice Admiral Rainer Brinkmann, who ceremoniously presented the future naval officers with their officer's certificates. The more than 300 invited guests, friends and family members were offered a colourful supporting programme, with a tour of a naval...


The "Brandenburg" replaces the "Baden-Württemberg"

On Sunday, 16 March 2025 at 3 p.m., the frigate "Brandenburg" will leave its home port of Wilhelmshaven to take part in the mandated foreign mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) off the Lebanese coast. Under the command of frigate captain Robert Meyer-Brenkhof, the crew will spend around six months off the Lebanese coast carrying out maritime surveillance and training for the Lebanese navy as part of the mission. The Red Eagle will leave Wilhelmshaven with around 216 men and women. An eleven-strong team from the shipboard company from Eckernförde and a medical team will also be on board. The "Brandenburg" will replace the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" (F 222), which will then be sent to...
