Category: Security policy

Australia gives away tenth patrol boat

The Australian shipyard Austal has handed over what is now the tenth Guardian-class patrol boat to the country's Ministry of Defence. In a small ceremony, the boat was then immediately handed over to the Solomon Islands, an island nation in the South Pacific. The Guardian class has a length of 39.5 metres and is based on the designs of the Bay, Armidale and Cape classes. As part of the Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Program, a total of 21 boats will be built in Australia and donated to friendly neighbours in the region. The overall programme agreed in 2016 has a contract value of 335 million Australian dollars. The programme will support twelve island nations, including Papua New Guinea, Fiji,...


Another incident in the Strait of Hormuz

Another incident occurred in the Strait of Hormuz this Monday evening (10 May). Thirteen Iranian Revolutionary Guards speedboats approached an American naval convoy passing through the Strait at high speed. The ships included the Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine USS Georgia and the Ticonderoga cruiser Monterey. Despite signals from the ship's siren and repeated requests to turn away by radio and loudspeaker, the boats came within 140 metres of the ships. It was only after a US Coast Guard cutter, which was also part of the convoy, fired two salvos totalling 30 shots that the boats turned and moved away.


Economy needs SEA

The 12th National Maritime Conference starts today in Rostock-Warnemünde This year's 12th National Maritime Conference (NMK) will be broadcast digitally from the port of Rostock-Warnemünde for the first time today and tomorrow. Federal Minister Altmaier explains: "The maritime industry is one of the main pillars of Germany as a business location and is of enormous importance for an export nation. The industry is currently being hit hard by coronavirus, but we also see the crisis as an opportunity. Climate protection and digitalisation are challenges, but they are also an incentive and the key to competitiveness in the future. We have already achieved a lot in the past two years: with the promotion of hydrogen, the introduction...


Large weapons find

Die Crew der USS Monterey hat am 6. und 7. Mai Tausende illegale Waffen beschlagnahmt. Bei der Durchsuchung einer verdächtigen, staatenlosen Dau im nördlichen Teil des Arabischen Meeres fand das Boarding-Team der US Coast Guard ein breites Arsenal kriegsfähigen Materials. Darunter befanden sich moderne Panzerabwehrraketen, Kalaschnikow-Maschinengewehre und Scharfschützengewehre sowie optische Zielgeräte. Alle Waffen stammen aus russischer und chinesischer Produktion. Die USS Monterey ist ein Kreuzer der Ticonderoga-Klasse und wurde im Juni 1990 in Dienst gestellt. Bei 173 Meter Länge verdrängt sie 9750 Tonnen. An Bord befinden sich 390 Mann Besatzung. Text: mb; Fotos: US...
