Category: Security policy

Task force supplier Bonn on its way to the Aegean Sea

Relief for the frigate "Lübeck" On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 4 p.m., the task force provider "Bonn" left Wilhelmshaven for the Mediterranean. In the Aegean Sea, the 175-strong crew and the ship are expected to work closely with the Turkish and Greek coastguards and the European Coastguard and Border Agency (FRONTEX) as part of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). Under the command of frigate captain Eike Deußen, commander of the "Bonn", the Bonn will be deployed for six months. The last few weeks have been characterised by intensive preparations for the deployment, repairs and maintenance have been carried out on the ship and training courses...


And yachts again and again

Shipyards fear slumps, one even bankruptcy: the Dutch Heesen Yachts shipyard Heesen Yachts is facing serious problems if its Russian owner Vagit Alekperov ends up on the EU sanctions list. So far, Alekperov has been placed on the British list, which is already causing problems with Heesen's British suppliers. Heesen Yachts stated that Alekperov is one of its Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO's) and emphasises that it is a Dutch company with a board of directors and an independent supervisory board that appoints the board members, and that the company is financially independent and in good shape with a strong order book. According to the Dutch yacht builder, the...


Commander of the Black Sea Fleet relieved of his duties

Moscow Insights - Fates and questions Since the heavy blow suffered by the Russian Federation Navy with the sinking of the Slava-class cruiser and naval flagship "Moskva" on 14 April, there has been hardly any reliable information on the whereabouts of the commander of the cruiser and the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, as well as parts of the crew. Ukrainian services reported quite early on that the fleet commander had been removed from office and arrested, and it is known that he was not publicly seen either in Moscow or in Sevastopol during the great victory parade on 9 May. Western services, in particular the London Ministry of Defence, have now confirmed that Vice Admiral Igor Osipov has been removed from office....


Total losses in shipping at record low, but pandemic and political tensions cloud the outlook

Allianz press release on the AGCS Safety & Shipping Review 2020 study: Total losses in the shipping industry are at a record low - 41 major ships were lost worldwide in 2019. Year-on-year, they have fallen by more than 20%, compared to the average of the last decade by almost 70%, according to the "Safety & Shipping Review 2020" study by ship and industry insurer Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS). However, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic could jeopardise long-term safety improvements in shipping this year and beyond. Difficult operating conditions and the looming economic downturn pose major challenges for the industry.


Port of Rotterdam plans autonomous floating fire extinguishers

The Port of Rotterdam has conducted a market survey on the use of autonomous/remote-controlled floating firefighting equipment. If the information received confirms that such vessels are a good option, this could lead to a tendering process. The Port of Rotterdam operates a fleet of patrol and civil protection vessels that are deployed by the Harbour Master's Office in day, half and full-time shifts to perform management, inspection and civil protection tasks. The fleet also includes hydrographic survey vessels and an emergency response vessel. As part of the market survey, the port is asking operators for their opinion on the possibilities for autonomous/remote-controlled floating firefighting equipment. Autonomous vessels would both reduce risk, as people could be rescued from...
