Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack is the new Inspector of the Navy
Today, 11 March 2022, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack (59) was officially appointed as the new Inspector General of the Navy. The command of the German Navy was handed over to him by the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, General Eberhard Zorn (62), at the Mürwik Naval Academy. Subsequently, Rear Admiral Frank Lenski (60), the current Chief of Staff at the Naval Command, was appointed Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces and Deputy to the Chief of Naval Operations. 220311_General-Zorn-and-VAdm-Kaack-with-Wife-Dr-Gesche-Kaack-Marcel-Kröncke_018_webGeneral Zorn and VAdm Kaack with Mrs Dr Gesche Kaack, photo Marcel-Kröncke. Gesche Kaack, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_General_Zorn_KADm_Lenski_Ute_Lenski_Marcel_kroencke_011_webGeneral Zorn KADm Lenski, Mrs Ute Lenski, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_Appointment_Inspector_marcel_kroencke_014_webAppointment of the Inspector, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_Address_General_Eberhard_Zorn_016_webAddress General Eberhard Zorn, photo:...
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