Category: Armed Forces

Thucydides - Development and understanding of strategies

Naval personnel from the 18th General/Admiral Staff Service National (LGAN) training programme focused on understanding and developing strategy as part of the "Thucydides" seminar at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College. The basic principles taught were applied to the actors Russia and China and options for action vis-à-vis China were developed. The time to act is now!


White cap against shuttle....

Commanding a ship or boat in the German Navy is undoubtedly one of, if not the most important assignment in the career of a naval officer. Unfortunately, this does not always last and so the day comes when you have to hand over your command again. The outgoing commander, Frigate Captain Phillip Wohlrab, has been in charge of the BRAVO crew for the last three years. Together with his team, he completed many training and exercise phases and is regarded as an experienced commander in the corvette squadron. He was also deployed twice with his BRAVOs in the UNIFIL mission off the coast of Lebanon....


First female commander of a corvette crew

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 2 p.m., a handover of command will take place at the Warnemünde naval base on board the corvette "Magdeburg". Frigate Captain Philipp Wohlrab (38) will hand over his duties as commander along with the "Bravo" crew to Corvette Captain Bianca Seifert (40). The old man For more than three years, frigate captain Wohlrab was the "old man" for his crew. Together they travelled many nautical miles, which took them from their home waters in the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean twice on UNIFIL missions. "Being in command of a ship and its crew is incomparable to any other assignment. Serving in the core of the navy together with this excellent crew...
