Category: Technology

Seabed Infrastructure Security: Northern Europe gets going!

Six northern European countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) are intensifying their cooperation in the field of maritime infrastructure. One part of this is the Seabed Security Experimentation Centre (SeaSEC), which has just been inaugurated in The Hague. The establishment of the SeaSEC is part of the Northern Naval Capability Cooperation (NNCC), which was officially ratified in Washington in early December 2023. The NNCC was established to strengthen the northern maritime industry and develop the best available systems and equipment. Rethinking PPPs Public, private and military partners are now working together to examine how important underwater infrastructure such as data cables, pipelines and platforms for fossil fuels and...


Ocean Thermal Energy: The infinite power source?

Energy from seawater Tropical oceans absorb 278 petawatts (1PW = 1000 terawatts) of solar energy every day. Just a fraction of this energy would be enough to cover the world's daily electricity needs. The British company Global OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) wants to tap into this enormous source of energy and put a floating ocean thermal power plant into operation by 2025. Concept The OTEC principle is not really new. The first trials and experiments were carried out back in 1981. OTEC works best in marine areas with high temperature differences. In the tropics, for example, the temperature of the surface water is 25 degrees or more, while at a depth of 800 metres it is only 4 degrees...


First flight of the NH90 MRFH "Sea Tiger"

On 30 November, the first NH90 "Sea Tiger" from Airbus Helicopters completed its maiden flight as planned at the Donauwörth production site. According to the company, this marks the start of the qualification phase, during which the focus will be on the extended flight tests and the testing of new systems that are or will be installed in this flight type. The developer and manufacturer of this navalised helicopter type is NHIndustries, a joint venture between Airbus Helicopters (62.5 %), Leonardo (32 %) and GKN Fokker (5.5 %) for rotorcraft production. Under the designation NH90 Multi Role Frigate Helicopter (MRFH), the Bundeswehr had already ordered 31 examples of the "Sea Tiger" three years ago with delivery dates of...


MeOHmare - MTU methanol engine for the shipping of the future

Joint project to develop the marine engine of the future by 2025 According to a press release, the companies Rolls-Royce (MTU Friedrichshafen) and Woodward L'Orange (Einspritzsysteme Großmotoren Stuttgart) and the research centre WTZ Roßlau (Dessau) have been working on the new joint project "MeOHmare" since the beginning of 2023, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with eight million euros. The three companies are to develop a concept for a high-speed combustion engine for ships that can be operated with green methanol (e-methanol) in a CO2-neutral manner by the end of 2025. Fuel for future ship propulsion systems Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysis using renewable electricity. This hydrogen can be produced by synthesis and with the addition of...
