Category: Technology

IRIS-T SLM air defence system successfully tested

Bodengebundenes Luftverteidigungssystem IRIS-T SLM beweist unter realistischen Einsatzbedingungen seine Leistungsfähigkeit. Kürzel sind immer etwas wunderbares - alle meinen es zu kennen, nur Eingeweihte wissen es tatsächlich! IRIS-T steht für Infra Red Imaging System - Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled; SLM steht für Surface Launched Medium Range. Oder eben noch etwas lesbarer: IRIS-T ist ein Luft-Luft-Lenkflugkörper mit Infrarotsuchkopf für den Nah- und Nächstbereich, der in der SLM-Version nun auch von ebenerdigen Plattformen aus gestartet werden kann. Er wurde in Deutschland federführend bei der Überlinger Diehl BGT Defence zusammen mit sechs weiteren Staaten entwickelt. Aus einer Pressemitteilung des Herstellers: Erfolgreiches Schießen mit dem weiterentwickelten System:...


Combat helicopter for Brazil's navy

The first navalised H225M multi-role helicopter with additional surface combat equipment has been delivered to the Brazilian Navy by the French company Airbus Helicopters. The long-range tactical and logistical helicopter became known to air forces and army pilots over 20 years ago, initially as the EC725 Caracal from Eurocopter and later by Airbus under the name Super Puma. Over 1,000 of these aircraft have been delivered to numerous nations and flown on missions around the world. Airbus - made in Brasilia However, this aircraft type has also been successfully operated under licence by Helibras in Itajuba, Minas Gerais province, around 200 km west of Rio de Janeiro, for over ten years.


Rolls-Royce extends TBO intervals for mtu engines

From a Rolls-Royce press release At the International Workboat Show in New Orleans at the beginning of December, Rolls-Royce presented the latest generation of mtu Series 4000 propulsion engines. Depending on the load, these engines can be operated for up to 96,000 hours before they are due for their first major overhaul. They therefore make an important contribution to conserving resources and reducing life cycle costs. Significance for shipping For commercial shipping, the extended engine running times introduced by Rolls-Royce between overhauls (Time Between Overhaul, TBO) mean that, depending on the duration and intensity of use, they can run for up to 25 years before they have to be overhauled. The...
