Category: Headlines

Thucydides - Development and understanding of strategies

Naval personnel from the 18th General/Admiral Staff Service National (LGAN) training programme focused on understanding and developing strategy as part of the "Thucydides" seminar at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College. The basic principles taught were applied to the actors Russia and China and options for action vis-à-vis China were developed. The time to act is now!


Maritime specialists

The north-west of the republic is home to numerous shipyards with a global reputation. Civil and military shipbuilding form a symbiosis. The coastal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen are traditionally home to an efficient, future-orientated and globally active maritime industry. It is made up of shipyards, system providers, component manufacturers, facilities and technical and commercial service companies. Naval shipbuilding is particularly important. Maritime industry on the Weser The Fr. Lürssen shipyard, founded in 1875 and based in Bremen-Vegesack, is a world-class northern German shipbuilding company with 2,700 employees. In addition to the headquarters in Bremen-Lemwerder, it has sites in Bremen-Aumund and Berne as well as the subsidiaries Lürssen Kröger...
