Until 17.10.2021 Donation run sponsorship network Afghan local forces e.V
Running together for a good cause Charity run for the association Patenschaftsnetzwerk Afghanische Ortskräfte e.V.
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 26 Sep 2021 | Headlines, News, Armed Forces | 0
Running together for a good cause Charity run for the association Patenschaftsnetzwerk Afghanische Ortskräfte e.V.
WeiterlesenGepostet von Blog #meerverstehen | 24 Sep 2021 | Blog, Headlines, Armed Forces | 0
Elections will be held on Sunday - and not just at federal level! The state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is also looking for a new composition at the end of its five-year legislative period. With over 2,000 kilometres of coastline, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has the longest coastline of any federal state in Germany and plays a leading role nationally and in some cases globally with its ports, shipyards and maritime on- and offshore industry. The election programmes of the two main parties represented in the state parliament and the Wahl-O-Mat should help us with this! This is a digital comparison tool for the programmes...
WeiterlesenGepostet von Holger Schlüter | 23 Sep 2021 | Headlines, Magazine, Marines from all over the world | 0
What happened when a party conference of the Left Party is mentioned in marineforum, and in the month of a federal election? Well, they took up a maritime topic and showed humour in connection with a military-historical event. The fact that the facts suffered somewhat proves once again that the anti-military party is unfamiliar with the military. On 19 June, the representative of Linksjugend Solid, Michael Neuhaus, called for the abolition of the sparkling wine tax. This acclaimed motion was adopted with 64 per cent and was therefore the only successful one at this conference. Neuhaus justified his motion by arguing that this tax, which was introduced by the German Reichstag in 1902, had...
WeiterlesenGepostet von Holger Schlüter | 23 Sep 2021 | Headlines, News, Armed Forces | 0
On Friday, 24 September 2021 at 10 a.m., Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen (61), Commander Operational Forces and Head of the Naval Command's Operations Division, will hand over command of Operational Flotilla 2 from Flotilla Admiral Ralf Kuchler (51) to his successor, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz (50). The outgoing commander, Flotilla Admiral Ralf Kuchler, has been commander of Operational Flotilla 2 since June 2018. "Three years as commander of Operational Flotilla 2 lie behind me. Three years in which the crews, staff and ships were put under great strain. In addition to the uninterrupted presence of our frigates and supply units in the Bundeswehr's operations, we managed to put operational training on its own feet...
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 21 Sep 2021 | Headlines, Magazine, Marines from all over the world, Shipping | 0
Small boats are booming again - the flourishing market for coastguard and combat boats known as offshore patrol vessels is the best proof of this. However, coastal and shallow water operations need to be practised, especially for OPVs, which are usually stationed and operated individually, if these boats are to function together on an ad hoc basis and provide a capability when required. This also applies to the southern hemisphere: Australia recently brought together four of its thirteen ARMIDALE-class patrol boats stationed in the North and South regions in Darwin and practised various scenarios and capabilities together with the amphibious landing ship HMAS CANBERRA and an ANZAC-class frigate. This was the first time since...
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