Category: Headlines

Hands-on navy - exhibition in Rostock

Exhibition of the 1st Corvette Squadron opens on 16.09.2021 On Thursday 16 September 2021 at 10 a.m., the 1st Corvette Squadron will open a regional exhibition at its home base Hohe Düne. On around 300 square metres, visitors can learn a lot about the different occupational groups and fields of work in the crew of a K130 corvette. "The exhibition aims to bring everyday life on board to life. To this end, we show films about life on board, a model of our corvettes and their weapons. Numerous stations invite visitors to join in and try things out for themselves," says the main organiser and head of the collection, Lieutenant Captain Yannick Renken (30). "One of our biggest...


Maritime fact check for the 2021 Bundestag election - Wahl-O-Mat

The Wahl-O-Mat is a digital comparison tool for the programmes and positions of the parties in state, federal and European elections. It is published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, which is part of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Having now covered over 50 elections since 2002, the Wahl-O-Mat has established itself as an important decision-making aid for young and old. The editorial team selects a wide range of current socially relevant theses for the parties to answer. According to the Wahl-O-Mat editorial team, 39 out of 40 parties that will be standing in the Bundestag elections on 26 September 2021 have answered the theses. Citizens will then have the choice of...


Zvezda shipyard - launch of LNG tanker series

The keel of the first large LNG tanker of a 15-ship series for the Russian state shipping company Sovkomflot has been laid at the Zvezda shipyard in Bolshoi Kamen in the Far East, after the first steel cut was made in November 2020. It is "the first ship of this size, loading and icebreaking capacity" to be built at a Russian shipyard, according to the keel-laying ceremony. The newbuildings are intended for transporting natural gas from the Arctic LNG 2 project on the Gydan Peninsula. The first tanker of this Arc7 series will go directly to Sovkomflot, while the other 14 will be owned by Smart LNG, a joint venture between Sovkomflot and the Russian Novatec Group,...


Admiral Rob Bauer new Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

On 25 June, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer took over as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from British Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach. This means that a naval officer is once again at the head of the military part of the alliance and supports the Secretary General as the highest representative and spokesman of the Military Committee. However, he is also the link between the thirty national Supreme Allied Commanders at the top - and, seen from above, the Head of the Military Staff and the leader of the two NATO Supreme Allied Commanders. Congratulations on the high office and wishes for a successful and happy "Tour of Duty"...


The former naval hospital in Flensburg-Mürwik

The former naval hospital in Flensburg-Mürwik is a "lost place" in more ways than one: after many years of vacancy, the complex resembles a ghost town, and on top of that, the last owner filed for insolvency in 2020. The ensemble, which is listed as a cultural monument, is now up for sale again. Hopefully with a happier outcome than before. Since the closure of the military hospital, which most recently belonged to Flensburg's municipal hospitals as "Klinik Ost", it has not exactly experienced rosy times. Vandalism and theft were the order of the day until the former clinic was sold to a Danish investor in 2007. However, his plans to build a hotel and a retirement home on the site...
