Category: Headlines

Three in one go

The United States Coast Guard put three new ships into service today (Thursday 29 July). From their new home port on the island of Guam, the so-called Fast Response Cutters will ensure security in the region. To this end, the Americans have concluded agreements with various island states in Micronesia that are members of the Pacific Islands Forum. These can embark so-called shipriders on the USCG units and use them to observe, board and search suspicious ships in the respective exclusive economic zone. This saves the participating nations the cost of operating their own patrol boats. The Myrtle Hazard, Oliver Henry and Frederick...


USS Benfold crosses Formosa Strait

And they've done it again: according to the Pentagon, the American destroyer USS Benfold passed through the Formosa Strait on 28 July. The disputed strait, which is around 180 kilometres wide, forms the border between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China on Taiwan. At irregular intervals, US units, as well as ships from allies such as Australia, cross the waters in the South China Sea claimed by China and other nations. In doing so, they deliberately do not adhere to the various rules that the neighbouring countries have issued for the regions that they count as their territory. These include prior notifications and the request to grant...


Two years of golf

The British minesweeper HMS Middleton left its home port of Portsmouth on Monday. After a 6,000 nautical mile voyage around Europe and crossing the Mediterranean, it is expected to arrive in the Persian Gulf in the coming weeks. The 750-tonne displacement Hunt-class vessel will then be stationed at the British base HMS Jufair in Bahrain for at least two years, ensuring safety in this important maritime area. During this time, two crews will rotate every four months. MCM2 Crew 7, which recently completed Operational Sea Training, will make the start...


Minehunters in the Baltic Sea

The Second World War ended more than 76 years ago. But to this day, more than 30,000 mines and other explosives lie at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. In issue 4-2021, marineforum reported on contaminated sites in the sea and Kiel Munition Clearance Week, which takes place in September. An almost nine-minute video by the Latvian Navy and NATO shows how (not only) the partners in the east deal with the remains of a forgotten, but only seemingly long-gone danger. Their motto: every controlled demolition makes the Baltic Sea a little safer. Text: mb; Photo;...


Israel's navy receives two new corvettes in Kiel

The Israeli Navy took delivery of two new corvettes today. The two units were christened Atzmaut and Nitzachon at Thyssenkrup Marine Systems in Kiel and then handed over to the customer. This marked the successful completion of the project to build a batch of four corvettes. Dr Alexander Orellano, Managing Director of TKMS, emphasised in his speech: "In the six years from the signing of the contract to today, we have jointly developed an outstanding ship. We have discussed a lot with each other, sometimes even argued. In the end, we, client and contractor, have built a better ship together than originally planned." Also present...
