Category: Headlines

Unusual SAR mission in the Mediterranean

The crew of the RFA Fort Victoria proved to be a lifesaver for a turtle this evening (5 June). The animal had become entangled in a bundle of empty plastic bottles and the remains of a net and was in danger of dying. Without further ado, the commander decided to deploy the speedboat. The three Royal Navy sailors were visibly delighted with the successful operation, which enabled them to help an endangered animal. The Fort Victoria is currently in the Mediterranean as part of the UK Carrier Strike Group. Over the next few months, she will continue her journey through the Indian Ocean towards...


Danger and opportunity - The Kiel Ammunition Clearance Week 2021

Munitions in the sea - Kiel Munition Clearance Week aims to promote the removal of contaminated sites in the sea Over 1.5 million tonnes of munitions are rusting away on the seabed. Their explosives endanger shipping, the environment and people. The issue is not only relevant for coastal regions: Carcinogenic substances from the munitions enter the food chain via fish. To visualise the quantity of mines and bombs, imagine a goods train full of ammunition. The wagons stretch from Paris to Moscow - that's 2500 kilometres! How and by what means can this quantity of contaminated sites be disposed of quickly, safely and...


Keel laying for the The Helder

The beleaguered Dutch navy can hope for the arrival of another ship. At the Damen Shipyards shipyard in Romania, the Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Rob Kramer, and the Director of the Defence Material Organisation (DMO), Vice Admiral Arie Jan de Waard, worked together on a part of the future Den Helder to mark the keel laying ceremony. They used welding torches to attach a historic coin from 1822, the year in which the naval arsenal in Den Helder was transferred to the Dutch Navy. Judging by the expressions on the faces of those involved, the operation was crowned with success. The first steel cut has already been...


Defence Commissioner Eva Högl visits naval memorial

Yesterday, Dr Eva Högl, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, crossed the Kiel Fjord from Kiel Naval Base in a German Navy pinnace in the direction of Laboe to visit the naval memorial there. After an official welcome by Heinz Maurus, President of the German Naval Association (DMB), Högl laid a solemn wreath in the underground memorial hall. During the subsequent guided tour by DMB historian Dr Jann M. Witt, she was given a comprehensive insight into the history of the memorial and the U 995 Technical Museum. As a memorial to those of all nations who remained at sea and an official memorial to the German Navy, the U 995...


Procurement for the navy - looking ahead to the 2021 federal election

Berlin, the navy & procurement The year 2021 continues to promise excitement: in the second year of a global pandemic, there are signs of noticeable change and transformation in the political firmament of the republic in view of the upcoming Bundestag elections in September. It is understandable that Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) are endeavouring to get as many of the planned military procurement projects signed and sealed: A total of 31 so-called €25 million submissions - if an armaments project exceeds this price threshold, it must be submitted separately to the parliamentary budget committee - are to be approved in the last two weeks of the parliamentary session before the summer break (23 & 25....
