Category: Marines from all over the world

Launch in Shanghai

The third type 054A/P frigate destined for Pakistan was launched yesterday at the Hudong Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai. The South Asian country has ordered a total of four of this type of ship from China. According to Pakistani sources, the ship will be equipped with the latest weapons systems, but no further details are known. The Type 054A, also known as the Jiangkai II class, is also used by the People's Liberation Army Navy. The Chinese version displaces a good 4000 tonnes with a length of 134 metres. In China, the armament includes a vertical launching system with 32 cells for surface-to-air and ASW missiles. There are also two quadruple launchers for...


Doppelter Abschied mit Schiffsglocke

Gleich zwei Minenjäger hat die britische Marine gestern (4. August) in Rosyth außer Dienst gestellt. Bereits nach 21 Jahren und 175 000 Seemeilen musste HMS Ramsey die Royal Navy verlassen, bei HMS Blyth waren es sogar nur 20 Jahre, dafür aber 185 000 Seemeilen. Während der vergangenen Jahrzehnte waren sie immer wieder rund um die britischen Inseln und in den Gewässern der europäischen NATO-Partner anzutreffen. Bekannt wurden die beiden Boote der Sandown-Klasse aber, weil sie als erste Einheiten 2007 und 2008 in den Persischen Golf fuhren, um einen Einsatz unter den dortigen klimatischen Bedingungen zu testen. Anschließend waren sie...


Virtual collaboration between humans and drones

The US companies Boeing and Northrop Grumman have tested complex cooperation between human and machine-controlled aircraft in a simulator for the first time. A transportable simulator of the E-2D from Northrop Grumman and the virtual team of an F/A-18 with the MQ-25 from Boeing were used for this manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T). Advanced operational concepts were tested, such as those that can be carried out by the squadrons on an aircraft carrier. These included the use of the E-2D in a command and control role as "Tanker King", while the unmanned MQ-25 had to deliver fuel to an F/A-18 Super Hornet. During this MUM-T operation, both the simulated E-2D and the MQ-25 were used to...


Seahawk for the South Korean Navy takes shape

Lockheed Martin has received an order to modify its Seahawk helicopter for the Korean Navy. After the Southeast Asian country decided to purchase 12 of these helicopters at the end of last year, the standardised version for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) must now be adapted to the needs and wishes of the Koreans. According to the US Department of Defence, this work is worth almost 118 million dollars and should be completed by November 2026. Following a tender, South Korea initially opted for the competitor model AW159 from Leonardo. As this helicopter had already been successfully introduced in the country's navy, the...


Greek Navy tests Schiebel S-100

The Greek Navy has successfully completed its first tests with the Schiebel S-100 camcopter. The capabilities of the remote-controlled mini helicopter were scrutinised for a week from on board the frigate Aigaion, the former Dutch Banckert. The focus was on testing the range, endurance and maximum speed. The possibilities offered by the rotorcraft in the areas of surveillance and detection were also tested in various trials. For this purpose, the Camcopter was equipped with a TC-300 camera from Trakka Systems, which includes electro-optical and infrared sensors. Also on board was an Automatic Identification System (AIS)...
