Danish Navy: First SM-2 shot
On 4 May 2022, the Royal Danish Navy made history. The "Nils Juel" fired the test shot in a first-of-class shootout at the Andoya Space Defence Test Centre in Norway. An important step towards the optimal deployment of the three "Iver Huitfeldt" class frigates, it was the first SM-2 ship-to-air missile to be fired from this frigate class. The SM-2 Block IIIA missile, also known as RIM 66, is a medium-range missile with a radar seeker. It is designed to combat anti-ship missiles and aircraft. The launch modules The three frigates in this class have mission modules for ship-to-ship and ship-to-air missiles. Four Mk41 VLS (Vertical Launch Systems) are installed between the masts.
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