Category: News

First female commander of a corvette crew

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 2 p.m., a handover of command will take place at the Warnemünde naval base on board the corvette "Magdeburg". Frigate Captain Philipp Wohlrab (38) will hand over his duties as commander along with the "Bravo" crew to Corvette Captain Bianca Seifert (40). The old man For more than three years, frigate captain Wohlrab was the "old man" for his crew. Together they travelled many nautical miles, which took them from their home waters in the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean twice on UNIFIL missions. "Being in command of a ship and its crew is incomparable to any other assignment. Serving in the core of the navy together with this excellent crew...


Brazil - Dramatic images: Sailing training ship in distress

As a seafarer, you don't want to have to look at these pictures, but as a chronicler of maritime events, you can't close your eyes to them. The Rio Guayas through the centre of Ecuador's port city of Guayaquil, home to 3 million people, can be a killer! At its narrowest point, a smart pedestrian bridge was built from the city to the green island of Santay in 2014, but in 2017 and 2018, two military units failed in their attempt to defy the fierce tidal current to catch the open passage. After the delicate-looking bridge had only recently been repaired, the Ecuadorian Navy asked the President of Ecuador via the Ministry of Defence to dismantle it again in mid-September.
