Category: News

New names at the Kiel naval base

Tirpitzhafen is now called Kiel naval base. The southern outer pier will be called Gorch-Fock-Mole and the outer pier will become Oskar-Kusch-Mole. The background to this new naming has already been discussed here in - now it is official and will be implemented. Based on the Bundeswehr's 2017 decree on tradition, it has been instructed that in future only the Bundeswehr's own 65-year history will apply to the line of tradition. In addition, places and people from the resistance against terror and tyranny are also included. This reorganisation means that the previous namesakes, Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz (1849 - 1930; founder of the High Seas Fleet in the German Empire) and Admiral Reinhard Scheer...


Lürssen repositions itself

Separation of the naval shipbuilding division - job cuts in Hamburg Naval shipbuilding and all repair activities for naval vessels and coast guard boats will operate in an independent company under the NVL Group brand. As the future holding company of the NVL Group, the independent company NVL B.V. & Co. KG was spun off from Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co. KG. In future, the company will be headed by Lürssen managers Klaus Borgschulte and Tim Wagner as management spokespersons as well as Lena Ströbele and Dirk Malgowski. The family-run company Fr. Lürssen, which has been managed by cousins Friedrich (72) and Peter Lürssen (62) in the fourth generation since 1983, will thus unite all...


Under sail again

With the handover of the GORCH FOCK to the German Navy, Lürssen has successfully completed the refurbishment of the sail training ship after around two years in the shipyard. The Bremen-based family business took over the project in October 2019 and overhauled the ship on the basis of a comprehensively re-evaluated performance specification. "Every ship handover is characterised by emotions and, above all, fills the employees who accompany a project for months and contribute to its success with pride. All the more so when it is a project with numerous technical challenges, difficult framework conditions and an ambitious schedule, as in the case of the GORCH FOCK," says Tim Wagner, Managing Director...


Brasilianisches Schulschiff in der Hansestadt Hamburg

Brasilianisches Schulschiff BNS NAVIO ESCOLA BRASIL  besucht zum 25. Mal die Hansestadt Hamburg Am 29.09.2021 ist das brasilianische Schulschiff BNS NAVIO ESCOLA BRASIL unter dem Kommando von Kapitän zur See Marcelo do Nascimento Marcelino im Hamburger Hafen eingelaufen. Das 1986 in Dienst gestellte Schulschiff ist mit 454 Besatzungsmitgliedern- davon 189 Kadetten- auf einer Ausbildungsreise und besucht die Hansestadt Hamburg bereits zum 25. Mal. Im Rahmen dieser Ausbildungsreise werden die Kadetten der brasilianischen Marine mit der Umsetzung der in den vorangegangenen Ausbildungsinhalten der letzten vier Jahren ihrer lernintensiven Kadettenzeit konfrontiert. Die Ausbildungsreise auf der 130m langen, 13,5m breiten und mit...


Change of commander in the 2nd Frigate Squadron

On Friday 1 October, the commander of the 2nd Frigate Squadron, Kapitän zur See Christian Scherrer, will hand over command of the 2nd Frigate Squadron on board the frigate "Hessen" to Frigate Captain Torben Jürgensen, whom Captain Scherrer took over exactly two years ago. "It has been a pleasure and an honour to lead the 2nd frigate squadron as commander for the last two years. It has been a privilege to lead the great men and women of the 2nd Frigate Squadron," said the outgoing commander. His path takes him to Berlin, where he becomes Head of Division in the Political Department of the Federal Ministry of Defence. His successor,...
