Category: News

Naval shipbuilding impressions from Kiel

In fine weather: naval shipbuilding at tkms and GNYK The first submarine of the 218 SG class (RSS Invincinble) is currently being prepared for further shipyard trials at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkms). According to a spokesperson for the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), the "First of Class" will not be transferred to Changi Naval Base until 2022. The RSS Impeccable was transferred from the construction hall to the synchrolift on 8 February 2021. On request, the RSN press department will not comment on a date for the naming ceremony. In addition to the RSS Impeccable, U 36 from the 1st submarine squadron of the German Navy can also be...


Weyers fleet pocket book 2020/2022

It's the book that many of us found in our navchaps on our first sea watch. The book that was pressed into your hand when you asked the inexperienced question about the foreign warship you had just spotted: "here, find out for yourself". This was followed by years in which Weyer's was my constant companion. The layout was intuitive and clear, both for experts and laymen. A maximum of information on all the world's navies in a minimum of space. The in-depth assessment of the fleets by Klaus Mommsen is also first class and unrivalled. Up-to-date fleet lists and always surprising insights. Names, new names, tonnage, armament,...
