Category: News

Here we go: F126

The multi-purpose combat ship "MKS 180", which has since been renamed "Frigate F126", saw the start of construction of its first unit on 5 December 2023. Just a few days before the end of the year, the start of production before 2024, which was promised when the contract was signed, was thus also realised. On 19 June 2020, the signatures were signed in Koblenz with which Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS, Netherlands) and the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) agreed on the construction of the multi-purpose combat ship "MKS 180". At that time, 5.72 billion euros were included in the federal budget. For this amount, Germany is procuring four identical frigates, two of which are equipped with the "ASW situation picture" mission module (ASW:...

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HNLMS "Holland" arrives in the operational area

With the HNLMS "Holland", the Dutch government has deployed the type ship of the four 108-metre-long and, at around 3,800 tonnes, frigate-sized ocean patrol vessels (OPV) of the same class to the Eastern Mediterranean. This means that the Netherlands, together with allies including the USA, the UK, France, Italy and Germany, is now also contributing to a maritime corridor so that humanitarian aid can reach Gaza. The aim is to secure the fragile regional stability from the sea and prevent further escalation. If an evacuation becomes necessary, the "Holland" can provide immediate support. The duration of its deployment depends on current developments...

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Submarines for Poland now from South Korea?

The Polish Navy has been endeavouring to replace its submarines for some time and launched the "Orka" project in 2014. Since then, European naval shipbuilders have been trying in vain to secure an order. It was not until May 2023 that Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced his intention to initiate the purchase of submarines in 2023. South Korea as an option? According to a press release issued by South Korean company Hanwha Ocean on 29 November 2023, the company has held talks about a strategic partnership in Poland and presented its KSS-III submarine project. The 3,600-tonne boat is in service with the Republic of Korea Navy. The offer from...

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Geisternetze vor Rügen

Taucher der deutschen Naturschutzorganisation „Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine e. V.“ (GRD) haben nach eigenen Angaben in den vergangenen Wochen mehrere Hundert Kilogramm alte Fischernetze aus der Ostsee geborgen. Tatort: Fahrwassertonne Eine Fahrwassertonne war bereits vor Jahren ca. acht Kilometer vor Rügen gesunken. In der Folge verfingen sich immer mehr sogenannte Geisternetze daran. Die Knäuel aus Netzen und Tauen wogen inzwischen mehrere Tonnen und konnten mit Hebesäcken aus etwa 30 Metern Tiefe geborgen werden. Aufgrund der beengten Situation an der Tonne und des zunehmend rauer werdenden Wetters sei es jedoch nicht gelungen, alle Netze zu bergen. Die Aktion soll...

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Ein Rückblick mit Mitveranstalter Heinz Schulte von DVV Media

Maritime Convention in Berlin Ein Rückblick auf das 16. Mal dieses herausragenden Events mit Mitveranstalter Heinz Schulte von DVV Media. Im Interview reflektiert Herr Schulte die Entwicklung der Convention seit ihrer Gründung 2007. Unter dem damaligen Präsidenten Vizeadmiral a.D. Lutz Feldt und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag entstand die Idee einer zentralen Anker-Veranstaltung in Berlin – eine Premiere für die maritime Branche. Dieses Jahr steht die Convention unter dem spannenden Thema "Das maritime Deutschland und seine globale Wahrnehmung". Anlässlich der Jubiläen – 175 Jahre Deutsche Marine und 50 Jahre Deutsches Marine Institut, heute Deutsches Maritimes Institut (DMI) – bietet...

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