The family of mine divers celebrated a whole weekend - in the truest sense of the word...

Company boss Steffen Schubert is delighted to welcome so many guests, photo: hsc
People don't like to hear that the mine divers are an elite little squad. That they are one big family is more likely. And the fact that mine divers have a strong bond with each other across generations and ranks was really lived out on the occasion of the 60th anniversary.
On 19 July, the company, which has been the home of all mine divers for many years, was the venue for a rendezvous between the active members and the numerous alumni. Many had travelled there with their mobile homes and relatives. Saturday 20 July was family day in Eckernförde. The technology, vehicles and boats could be viewed and touched by all spouses and children. There were also demonstrations and small "games" for the young and old. In the evening, the official birthday ball took place in the Eckernförde town hall, under the patronage of the commander of the fleet and support forces, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski.

The search for metal in the ground can also be taught to the little ones, photo: hsc
The final event took place on Sunday. Frigate Captain Steffen Schubert, company commander of the MiTaKp, was in a good mood and in high spirits because the response was incredibly good. It was a great reunion. The celebration was not intended for the public. Exception: a few people close to the company and press representatives.
nec aspera terrent (Those who do not fear the rough)
is the motto of the mine divers: not afraid of the rough. They are grouped together in the mine diver company (MiTaKp) in Eckernförde. Their mission is to search for mines or explosive devices under water and destroy them. They can also do this on land and on the coast. The MiTaKp is part of the sea battalion of the German Navy.
The highly specialised mine divers can be deployed on land or from aboard a warship. The navy operates the "Rottweil" minesweeper, a converted Frankenthal-class minesweeper. Did you know that one of the Bundeswehr's first foreign missions was carried out by mine divers? It was clearing mines in the Suez Canal in autumn 1985. More on this and the history of mine divers later in the marine forum.
Photos: hsc
And a Pistorius does not have the decency to visit the site.
Mr Zellner,
Thank you for being a user of marineforum online. You complain that BM Pistorius did not drop by. There were reasons to do with the planning, timing and content of the events. We also asked and it was OK. So please don't rush to judgement, after all we are all #marine