Category: Security policy

Confusion over warning shots and bombs in the Black Sea

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the British destroyer HMS Defender penetrated three kilometres into the country's territorial waters on 23 June. A border guard ship then fired warning shots and a Su-24M fighter plane dropped bombs in front of the British warship. It then turned away and left Russian waters. The incident occurred shortly after 12.00 noon south of Sevastopol in the Black Sea. The British Ministry of Defence, however, reported that no warning shots had been fired at the Defender. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace explained that the destroyer had been carrying out a routine transit from Odessa to Georgia. "As is normal on this...


Defence and Budget Committee vote in favour of naval procurement project

Earlier this afternoon, reported the Defence Committee's decision to procure a number of new ships and aircraft. Now the Defence Committee has also approved the project in its last meeting before the summer break. Eckhard Rehberg, budget policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, was delighted: "Today, the Budget Committee discussed 27 proposals totalling 19 billion euros for important Bundeswehr procurement and development projects and released the funds." The share for the navy is disproportionately high: 6.8 billion euros have been released for some long-discussed projects that will be procured over a period of ten years...


32 nations are taking part in the Sea Breeze 21 manoeuvre - Germany is not represented

The next major maritime exercise this year will be Sea Breeze 2021 from 28 June to 10 July. As in previous years, the manoeuvre will be jointly led by the Ukrainian and American navies. After many nations cancelled their participation last year due to the coronavirus, units from a record number of countries are expected to take part this time. In addition to the traditional participants from the major NATO countries, there will also be exotic participants from all over the world, including Brazil, Japan and South Korea. A total of 5,000 soldiers from 32 nations will be practising various deployment scenarios together with 32 ships, 40 aircraft and 18 special forces and diving teams. Germany last took part in 2015...


Change at the CMSS in Kiel

The Center for Maritime Strategy & Security (CMSS) has been under new management since yesterday (21 June). From now on, Johannes Peters will be in charge of the academic institution. Peters will also be responsible for the organisation of the Kiel Seapower Series with immediate effect. The CMSS is an institution of the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK) and, under the leadership of Dr Sebastian Bruns, has repeatedly attracted attention with high-calibre events. Johannes Peters has been working as a research assistant in the Maritime Strategy and Security department at the ISPK since 2017. After completing his bachelor's degree in political science...


Russian navy practises attacking an aircraft carrier

According to the Ministry of Defence in Moscow, a large-scale exercise has shown that the Russian armed forces can also operate successfully in the vastness of the Pacific, far away from home. The operational area was around 2500 nautical miles south-east of the Kuril Islands. Up to twenty warships, support ships and submarines were involved on and beneath the waves. The ships were divided into two groups 300 nautical miles apart. While some of the units formed a formation around an aircraft carrier, the task of the other ships was to track it down and launch a simulated attack. The imaginary button was pressed by the crews of the cruiser Warjag,...
