Category: Security policy

thyssenkrupp Marine Systems: Carlyle exits.

thyssenkrupp CEO expresses disappointment. Oliver Burkhard, member of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp AG and CEO of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, announced with regret on 22 October that Carlyle will not pursue the valuation process for a possible partial sale of the marine division. For reasons of confidentiality, no further details will be provided. Mr Burkhard made it clear that Carlyle's withdrawal from the bidding process was not based on business reasons and was not related to the quality or financial performance of the company. The Handelsblatt and other business news media report that concerns on the part of the German government were the cause. According to reports, the expressions of interest from other bidders and the delay in the...


Modernisation of the F124 class frigates

New "KORA" electronic warfare system commissioned The Bundeswehr Procurement Office has commissioned the delivery and integration of new electronic warfare systems (EloKa) on the Sachsen-class frigates (F124). After a total service life of more than 40 years, the German Navy's previous standard EloKa system "FL 1800S-II" will be replaced on some units. The systems of this type on the F124 class frigates will be replaced by systems from the "KORA" system family from Rohde & Schwarz. To support the deployment of the three on-board systems, three further shore-based systems are being procured for training, maintenance and testing. "KORA 40" is a system for electronic warfare,...


Naval headquarters in Rostock inaugurated

Defence Minister Boris Pistorius inaugurated a new headquarters in Rostock on 21 October 2024 The German Navy officially assumed a regional leadership role today - it will assume the function of "Commander Task Force Baltic" (CTF Baltic) for the next four years. This gives it greater responsibility in the Baltic Sea region. CTF Baltic is available for the Alliance's command tasks in the Baltic Sea, maintains a maritime situation picture and coordinates naval activities in the region. It is also tasked with planning exercises and conducting operations by NATO naval forces. For the Bundeswehr, this is a strengthening of national and alliance defence. This was emphasised by the...


Finland and Estonia agree on security cooperation

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Double change in the Indo-Pacific Association

Crew F125 "Charlie" takes over from "Echo" on the Baden - Württemberg No sooner had the Day of German Unity been celebrated than the crews "Echo" and "Charlie" had six intensive days of handover ahead of them. On 9 October, after four months and over 22,500 nautical miles, the commander of the "Echos", as the men and women of the crew to be relieved are called in naval language, frigate captain Sascha Huth, handed over the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" to frigate captain Bogislav von Puttkamer, the commander of the "Charlies". Behind the ship and crew lies a Pacific crossing from east to west, from San Diego to Singapore, including two intensive manoeuvres...
