Category: Security policy

On our own behalf: Publisher marineform honoured

Peter Tamm receives the Bundeswehr Cross of Honour The Federal Minister of Defence Christine Lambrecht awards Peter Tamm the Bundeswehr Cross of Honour for his commitment to the Bundeswehr base in Hamburg. The award ceremony took place on 17 September 2022 on board the frigate BAYERN. On the occasion of the reception for the 833rd Hamburg Harbour Birthday on board the frigate BAYERN, Captain Michael Giss, Commander of the Hamburg State Command, presented Peter Tamm with the Bundeswehr Cross of Honour in bronze on behalf of the Federal Minister of Defence Christine Lambrecht. The publisher, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Hamburg International Maritime Museum Foundation has long been committed to the defence of the German Armed Forces at various levels with extraordinary dedication.


Gorch Fock: the long way back

Gorch Fock 38th training voyage 1971 Lisbon-Kiel Even half a century ago, photographs were taken of the training voyages of the "Gorch Fock" - albeit in a decidedly "analogue" style. Colourful slides were the standard, and Super 8 films were also shot. Black and white, however, was affordable and allowed all the graphic design possibilities of the "thousand grey values". As I had already worked almost professionally with black and white photography during my school days, I stuck with this genre when I decided to enlist in the then German Navy for four years. Unfortunately, as a professional soldier, I gradually lost the time for photography as my service became more and more serious.


Hamburg: The world's leading maritime trade fair is back

After a four-year break due to the coronavirus pandemic, the global shipbuilding industry met again for the 30th SMM (Shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology international trade fair), the world's leading maritime trade fair, in Hamburg (6 to 9 September 2022). The SMM was held under the motto "Driving the maritime transition". The focus was therefore on the maritime energy transition, digital transformation and climate change. Among the approximately 2,000 exhibitors from 100 countries, around 800 companies from Germany alone and around 30,000 visitors were represented at SMM. The patron of the trade fair was Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who emphasised the growing importance of the maritime industry in his video-transmitted opening...


NATO in the Mediterranean: Joint naval manoeuvre "Dynamic Mariner" and "Mavi Balina"

In view of the war in Ukraine, NATO's Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM, Northwood, UK) has this year combined the NATO manoeuvre "Dynamic Mariner" with the Turkish Navy's manoeuvre "Mavi Balina 22" to form a major multinational manoeuvre that will take place in the eastern Mediterranean from 11 to 18 September. Manoeuvre participation The aim of the manoeuvre is to prevent possible aggression by demonstrating a credible defence within the alliance. The NATO nations of the USA, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Canada, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey took part with over fifty ships, five submarines and five maritime reconnaissance vessels, 1,500 marines and the two permanent NATO task forces SNMG2 and...


Royal Navy: Atom-U-Boote unterwegs im Mittelmeer

Seit sechs Monaten – also während der gesamten Zeitspanne des laufenden Angriffskrieges Russlands gegen die Ukraine – befand sich HMS Audacious, Großbritanniens jüngstes einsatzfähiges Hunter-Killer Atom-U-Boot im Mittelmeer auf Patrouillenfahrt. Während oben die NATO-Überwassereinheiten im Rahmen der Operation Sea Guardian den Schiffsverkehr überwachten - und dabei vornehmlich ein Auge auf die sich dort zu Kriegsbeginn versammelten und noch aufhaltenden Einheiten der russischen Marine hatten, kümmerte sich HMS Audacious um entsprechende Fahrzeuge unter Wasser. Denn auch dort waren ja noch ein paar wenige U-Boote der konventionellen Kilo-Klasse verblieben, als der Bosporus gesperrt wurde. HMS Audacious, nach HMS Astute, HMS Ambush...
