Category: Shipping

Frigate "Brandenburg" returns from the Mediterranean

On Saturday, 13 July 2024, the frigate "Brandenburg" is expected back in Wilhelmshaven from the UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) mission in the Mediterranean. Under the command of frigate captain Andreas Scheiba, the crew left Wilhelmshaven in March 2024 to assist with maritime surveillance off the Lebanese coast and training the Lebanese navy as part of the UNIFIL mission. Numerous manoeuvres took place with international partners. Furthermore, the Lebanese armed forces were trained as part of the mission and there was an exchange between crew members of the frigate and their comrades from the Lebanese Navy stationed on the mainland.


The Chancay-Cosco mega harbour is being built in Peru

Lima - The Chinese state-owned company Cosco Shipping has been building the deep-water port of Chancay on Peru's Pacific coast, around 75 kilometres north of the capital, as the majority owner since 2019. A mega port project costing the equivalent of around 3.3 billion euros as a gateway from South America to Asia. The Chancay hub is set to become the most important container port on the South American Pacific coast as well as an important growth driver for Peru and is part of the Chinese strategic New Silk Road initiative. Cosco has already invested more than 1.2 billion euros in the first construction phase, with more than 80 % of construction work completed. The port is scheduled to open in November 2024, when Peru will host the...


Mercury Marine and the DMYV enter into partnership

Partnership agreed for the provision of engines and spare parts for youth and competitive boats. The German Motor Yacht Association (DMYV) is the sporting authority for motorised water sports in Germany. Through its membership in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), as the sole representative of motorised water sports, and in the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) - the world association for motorised water sports, the DMYV is responsible for the sports organisation. Equipping the boats for youth and competitive sport with engines that meet the high standards of UIM conformity on the one hand, and have to withstand the rigours of training and competition on the other, is essential. Mercury, with its long tradition...


Traditional sailors at the Kieler Woche

Naval units from all over the world, pleasure craft, cruise ships, regattas, celebrities from sport, politics and society: but what would Kiel Week be without traditional sailing ships? They are the true heroes of pleasure boating: owners, skippers, boat people and clubs who keep the old ships alive - and that doesn't just mean swimming - but make them accessible to the public and thus bring a bit of history into the present. It is the old traditions and craftsmanship, the passion and the stories behind old bulkheads, Hellegatts and bilges that make this historic cultural asset so fascinating. Against all odds, keeping the ships in motion...
