Category: Shipping

World Climate Conference: snippets on Mediterranean waste

Eines der auf der Weltklima-Konferenz behandelten Themen war die zunehmende Vermüllung des Mittelmeeres. Wie soll man das Problem angehen? Hier ein paar Schnipsel zum Thema. Biodiversität Das Mittelmeerbecken beherbergt eine große Vielfalt an Flora (etwa 20.000 Pflanzenarten, davon 60% nur dort vorkommend) und Fauna (etwa 17.000 Tierarten, davon allerdings nur 30% endemisch) und wird von Naturschutzgruppen als „Biodiversitäts-Hotspot“ klassifiziert. Sie warnen davor, dass 20% der Arten aufgrund der Belastung durch menschliche Aktivitäten vom Aussterben bedroht sind. Die übermäßige Ausbeutung von Ressourcen, durch Tourismus und Freizeitaktivitäten verursachte Störungen und die unerbittliche Umweltverschmutzung in den Küstengebieten, sowie der Zuzug invasiver gebietsfremder...


New drives: Bulk carrier with "Hard Sail" underway

The Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) reports on the first successful test voyage with the environmentally friendly "Hard Sail" auxiliary propulsion system on its bulk carrier "Shofu Maru" with a payload weight of 100,000 tonnes (dwt). On its maiden voyage from Japan to Australia to bunker coal and back to the island state, the 235-metre-long ship used the approximately 52-metre-high sail made of fibre-reinforced plastic, which is permanently installed in front of the cargo hatches and can be extended in four 15-metre tracks, to support the conventional propulsion system. Wind Challenger Based on a university research project, the concept for the so-called Wind Challenger has been under development for over a decade. Today it is an automated...


Will Hong Kong become an escape harbour for Russian yachts?

The recent visit of a Russian mega-yacht to Hong Kong has sparked speculation that the city could become a haven for oligarchs hiding from Western sanctions. The "Nord" - a 500 million dollar vessel owned by Russian billionaire Alexei Mordashov - spent just over three weeks in Chinese territory before departing last Thursday. Mordashov is one of the businessmen close to Russian President Vladimir Putin who was sanctioned by the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The seizure of several yachts and other assets around the world in 2022...


Last trip to Heligoland

The high-speed catamaran "Halunder Jet" made its last trip to Heligoland for 2022 yesterday. The shipping company can look back on a satisfactory season. This year, FRS Helgoline sailed to Heligoland from Hamburg and Cuxhaven with the high-speed catamaran "Halunder Jet" until 31 October 2022. After starting the season late and with many restrictions due to the pandemic in the last two years, the first trip in 2022 was able to take place on time on 25 March. The catamaran carried just under 165,000 passengers, which is satisfactory compared to the last two coronavirus years, but did not match the passenger numbers of 2019. In...


LNG tankers pile up on Europe's coasts

For weeks now, full LNG gas tankers have been anchored off the south-west coast of Spain, waiting for a date to unload their eagerly awaited cargo. Even though Spain has the largest regasification capacities in Europe with 6 terminals (35%) and the largest storage facilities in Europe with almost 45%, only one tanker per terminal can be unloaded at a time in a time-consuming and controlled manner. To do this, the deep-frozen and therefore liquid gas must be pumped out, reheated, discharged and stored. And if the storage capacities are then exhausted with up to 90% filling, even the best gas can no longer be transferred - especially as the storage...
