Category: Shipping

Gorch Fock: the long way back

Gorch Fock 38th training voyage 1971 Lisbon-Kiel Even half a century ago, photographs were taken of the training voyages of the "Gorch Fock" - albeit in a decidedly "analogue" style. Colourful slides were the standard, and Super 8 films were also shot. Black and white, however, was affordable and allowed all the graphic design possibilities of the "thousand grey values". As I had already worked almost professionally with black and white photography during my school days, I stuck with this genre when I decided to enlist in the then German Navy for four years. Unfortunately, as a professional soldier, I gradually lost the time for photography as my service became more and more serious.


Hamburg: The world's leading maritime trade fair is back

Nach vier Jahren auch coronabedingter Präsenz-Pause hatte sich die globale Schiffbauindustrie zu ihrer 30. Weltleitmesse der maritimen Wirtschaft SMM (Shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology international trade fair) in Hamburg (6. bis 9. September 2022) wieder getroffen. Die SMM stand unter dem Leitmotto “Driving the maritime transition“. Im Fokus standen daher die maritime Energiewende, die digitale Transformation und der Klimawandel. Unter den ca. 2.000 Ausstellern aus 100 Ländern waren allein ca. 800 Unternehmen aus Deutschland sowie ca. 30.000 Besucher auf der SMM vertreten. Schirmherr der Messe war Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, der in seiner video-übertragenen Eröffnungsrede die wachsende Bedeutung der maritimen...


Appreciation of the speakers at the 61st Naval Historical Tactical Conference

On 7 September 2022, the work of the speakers for the 61st HITATA was honoured by the Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces and Deputy Inspector General of the Navy, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, during a small ceremony. Following the 60th HITATA in 2020, nine young, dedicated officers once again prepared their own presentations on the topic of the 61st HITATA "Between arrogance and excessive demands - strategic thinking in German navies" and prepared for the presentation to the expert audience. Despite several postponements of the date, the 61st HITATA could not be held in 2021 and 2022 due to the corona pandemic. Vice Admiral...


Historic meeting after 60 years

Grosssegler trifft Flugzeugträger: US Navy macht der Signora Komplimente Es war am 12. Juli 1962: Der US-Flugzeugträger "USS Independence" begegnete im Mittelmeer der unter vollen Segeln fahrenden "Amerigo Vespucci" und forderte sie per Lichtsignal auf, sich zu identifizieren. Das italienische Dreimastschiff, das im Februar 1931 vom Stapel gelaufen war, gab sich namentlich zu erkennen und bezeichnete sich als "hochrangiges nationales Schiff im aktiven Dienst", woraufhin die US-Navy es als „als schönstes Schiff der Welt“ bezeichnete. Nun die Wiederholung nach 60 Jahren: Der Flugzeugträger USS "George H.W. Bush" passierte in der Adria kürzlich die "Amerigo Vespucci" und wiederholte das Kompliment:...


Rolls-Royce supplies mtu marine gensets for F126

DAMEN Naval and Rolls-Royce's Power Systems division have signed a contract for the supply of 16 mtu diesel gensets for the German Navy's four new F126 frigates. This is DAMEN's first order for mtu diesel gensets for military applications. According to Hein van Ameijden, Managing Director of DAMEN Naval, Rolls-Royce was chosen because its mtu solutions are customised for naval applications. Efficiency, fuel savings and reduced maintenance The on-board power for each F126 frigate is provided by four Series 4000 variable-speed mtu gensets. These high-performance gensets are the most environmentally friendly marine gensets Rolls-Royce has ever produced: they fulfil the requirements of the IMO III...
