Category: Shipping

1st submarine squadron gets new commander

Eckernförde (ots) - On Thursday, 30 June 2022, the commander of Operational Flotilla 1, Flotilla Admiral Henning Faltin (54), will hand over command of the 1st Submarine Squadron from Frigate Captain Frédéric Strauch (45) to Frigate Captain Lars Gößing (43). Frigate Captain Strauch has led the 1st Submarine Squadron with its six submarines, three fleet service boats and a tender since October 2020. "In numbers, we look back on a time when we sometimes had four units of the squadron on missions at the same time. This included 'U35', the first time a German submarine was subordinate to an EU operation. We can all be proud of that," says Strauch. In addition to the missions, as Irini...


Oligarch yachts: Expensive fun

Oligarch yachts can be quite a nuisance: government-seized material also has to be secured, stored and maintained - and that's not cheap! Operation KleptoCapture, which was launched by a task force within the US Department of Justice back in March, is responsible for coordinating the US sanctions imposed on individuals. It has now realised that the volume and value of the luxury yachts confiscated worldwide, some of which have been transferred to the USA, is shockingly high - they had not expected so much! Nor did they realise that these measures would directly cost real money. Annoying - doing something good, fishing...


International day of the seafarer

Last weekend was "Maritime Day". As always, there were thousands of ships on the world's oceans. On board were the goods we need for our daily lives. Or rather, what we consider necessary. From food and fruit ripening in refrigerated containers on their way to Germany to luxury items. Modern merchant shipping is increasingly using container ships with capacities of more than 10,000 containers per ship. Depending on the feminine or masculine point of view, a 40-foot container holds approximately 12,000 shoe boxes or around 650 barrels of beer. Compared to military shipping, the crew of 22 seafarers is small and...


RENK gearbox for the F 126

Electric traction motors for German Navy frigates The general contractor Damen Naval and RENK have signed a contract for the supply of transmission gear units and electric drives for the Class 126 frigates. RENK / Augsburg is thus continuing its co-operation with the German Navy. For example, the predecessor classes F125 and F124 were already equipped with RENK gear units. RENK also has a long-standing partnership with Damen Naval, for example in the construction of frigates and offshore patrol vessels for the navies of the Netherlands, Mexico, Morocco and Indonesia. An important difference between the future F126 and older frigates will be the new propulsion system:...


Shipspotting in the fjord

Michael Nitz sent us some very special photos. The Royal Netherlands Navy Landing Platform Dock HNLMS Rotterdam (L 800) in the Kiel Fjord in May: with the Kielllinie (ex Hindenburgufer) in the background including the embarked Sea King helicopter component of the German Navy. During the visit by a Sea Lion. Many thanks to naval Press Service HNLMS_Rotterdam_05_2022_(6) web_HNLMS_Rotterdam_05_2022_(29)-1...
