Category: Shipping

Indian Ocean Commission supports African island states in the fight against maritime crime

The "Baba Ali", a Seychellois fishing vessel, was transiting through the Seychelles Economic Zone when the authorities intercepted it with a drug cargo in May 2021. As part of an operation coordinated by the Seychelles Air Force, the Seychelles Coast Guard and the National Information Exchange and Coordination Centre, the authorities boarded the vessel and inspected it. The finds - heroin and hashish worth around 1.2 million dollars - show the extent of the threat posed by the regional drug trade. The seizure of the drugs and the arrest of three other Seychellois nationals and four Indonesian nationals show that the efforts of the Coordination Centre are...


Significant decline in piracy in West Africa

.... but the Gulf of Guinea remains a global hotspot Piracy off the West African coast has fallen dramatically since 2021 - by almost half. But the region remains the world's piracy hotspot, according to Dryad Global. In its 2021/22 annual report, the maritime risk company notes that "the drastic decline in piracy across West Africa in 2021 resulted in a total decrease in piracy and maritime crime incidents of 56 % compared to 2020. The number of actual and attempted attacks, as well as ship strikes, decreased by more than 85 %...


US Coast Guard: Cruise ship travelled through Cape Canaveral security zone

Looking for spectacular events for passengers or silly oversight? The US Coast Guard has been investigating the intrusion of a cruise ship into a designated safety zone during a rocket launch near Cape Canaveral in January. The launch of a multi-million dollar satellite launch was cancelled as a result. The aborted launch for the Italian space agency was rescheduled for the next day, where it was successful. The US Coast Guard designates safety zones in the lower area and warns sailors of imminent launches from Cape Canaveral. The overflight path of each rocket launch over the Atlantic determines the location of the individual zones. The "traffic offender" was...


Task force supplier Bonn on its way to the Aegean Sea

Relief for the frigate "Lübeck" On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 4 p.m., the task force provider "Bonn" left Wilhelmshaven for the Mediterranean. In the Aegean Sea, the 175-strong crew and the ship are expected to work closely with the Turkish and Greek coastguards and the European Coastguard and Border Agency (FRONTEX) as part of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). Under the command of frigate captain Eike Deußen, commander of the "Bonn", the Bonn will be deployed for six months. The last few weeks have been characterised by intensive preparations for the deployment, repairs and maintenance have been carried out on the ship and training courses...


And yachts again and again

Shipyards fear slumps, one even bankruptcy: the Dutch Heesen Yachts shipyard Heesen Yachts is facing serious problems if its Russian owner Vagit Alekperov ends up on the EU sanctions list. So far, Alekperov has been placed on the British list, which is already causing problems with Heesen's British suppliers. Heesen Yachts stated that Alekperov is one of its Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO's) and emphasises that it is a Dutch company with a board of directors and an independent supervisory board that appoints the board members, and that the company is financially independent and in good shape with a strong order book. According to the Dutch yacht builder, the...
