Category: Armed Forces

Running team supports the RTL - Wir helfen Kindern foundation

Das Laufteam sammelt Spenden zugunsten der Stiftung, die jetzt den Kindern in der Ukraine helfen will, die unter dem Krieg in ihrem Land leiden. Das Laufteam Bundeswehr und Reservisten organisiert im Zeitraum vom 26.03.2022 bis zum 10.04.2022 einen virtuellen Spendenlauf, um Geld zugunsten der „Stiftung RTL – Wir helfen Kindern e.V.“ zu sammeln. Die „Stiftung RTL – Wir helfen Kindern e.V.“ wurde 1997 gegründet und seitdem sammelt die Organisation Spendengelder, welche direkt an ausgewählten Kinderhilfsprojekte von ausgesuchten Organisationen gegeben wird. Da RTL sämtliche anfallenden Verwaltungs-, Personal- und Produktionskosten zahlt, werden alle gesammelten Spenden, ohne jegliche Abzüge für die Umsetzung...

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Order of the day from the Inspector General

General Eberhard Zorn prepares troops for far-reaching changes He sees a new reality in the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin's ruthless war of aggression against Ukraine. Zorn has reorganised his priorities: less coronavirus administrative assistance, more reinforcement of NATO's eastern flank and a focus on so-called "basic operations" such as ammunition depots, medical, logistics and command facilities. The soldiers would be needed more for national and alliance defence. In an interview on "heute journal" on Monday, Zorn commented on Putin's statements about the nuclear forces. He considers them relevant, but not immediately worrying. "We take this statement seriously," he said on ZDF. "We are of course following...

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Now completely official

Vice Admiral Kaack becomes the new Inspector General of the Navy On Friday, 11 March 2022 at 10 a.m., the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, General Eberhard Zorn (62), will hand over command of the German Navy to Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack (59). The ceremony will be held at the Mürwik Naval Academy. "I would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me and look forward to moving the navy forward together with our men and women - on land, at sea and in the air," said the naval officer, who was promoted to Vice Admiral just last week. Jan Christian Kaack is currently Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces and Deputy to the Inspector...

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"Not during our watch!"

German Navy deploys soldiers from Kiel to the Baltic Sea today Minesweepers "Sulzbach-Rosenberg" and "Homburg", the minesweeper "Siegburg" and the tender "Elbe" are travelling to the Baltic Sea to reinforce NATO's northern flank. In addition, the minesweepers "Datteln" and "Fulda" set off this morning. "Our signal is clear: Not during our watch!" said the commander of the fleet, Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack. The German Navy had already dispatched the corvette "Erfurt" and the fleet service boat "Alster" on Saturday for the same reason. The current reason for these measures is the escalating Russia-Ukraine crisis and the increased threat posed by Germany's partners in particular.

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Departure order for fleet service boat

On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 12 noon, the fleet service boat "Alster" will set sail for the Baltic Sea to be the eyes and ears not only for the navy, but for the entire Bundeswehr. The Oste-class fleet service boat is a reconnaissance vessel that specialises in monitoring sea and coastal areas. It is equipped with particularly efficient electronic, hydro-acoustic and electro-optical sensors. It is operated by the German Navy in close cooperation with the Cyber and Information Region (CIR).

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