Category: Armed Forces

Russian Navy restricts shipping in the Black Sea

Areas closed for firing exercises The Russian Navy has announced exercise areas for a large part of the Black Sea and most of the Sea of Azov, effectively restricting shipping to Ukrainian commercial ports. Commercial shipping and air traffic are advised to avoid the designated areas from 13 to 19 February. One area covers the northern entrance to the Kerch Strait, which could cut off Ukrainian ports on the Sea of Azov from shipping for the duration of the exercise. This includes the harbours of Mariupol, Berdyansk and Henichesk. Russia has closed the strait in the past due to...

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Follow up: What comes after Neptune Strike 2022?

The "Harry S Truman" was present as part of the NATO exercise in the Mediterranean, despite or because of the tensions between Russia and Ukraine. According to the news agency Reuters, the US admiral leading the Harry S Truman aircraft carrier battle group did not want to reveal what will happen after the end of the exercises in the Adriatic in the coming days. Rear Admiral Curt Renshaw referred to the Pentagon and said: "But we're prepared to operate anywhere, and we planned a longer deployment when we left Norfolk, and we plan to operate where we're needed most." Basically, future operations will be...

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NATO beendet Neptun-Strike 2022

Vom 24. Januar bis 4. Februar 2022 fand "Neptune Strike 22" statt. Hierbei handelte es sich um eine Aktivität der NATO, deren Kern in der Interoperabilität von Marine- und Luftstreitkräften bestand. Über 20 Nationen wirkten daran mit. Das Handlungsgebiet erstreckte sich vom Mittelmeer über Mitteleuropa. Kennzeichen von "Neptune Strike 22" war die temporäre Unterstellung einer US-amerikanischen Flugzeugträgerkampfgruppe unter das Kommando der NATO. Mit dieser Übung wurde die seit langem geplante Integration der Befehls- und Kontrollbefugnis über die Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (CSG) an das NATO-Bündnis durchgeführt. Die Operation begann am 24. Januar von der Adria aus und...

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Berlin unterwegs!

Der Einsatzgruppenversorger "Berlin" hat Wilhelmshaven verlassen Der #Einsatzgruppenversorger #Berlin konnte nicht wie geplant am 1. Februar zur Teilnahme an der #SNMG1 aus #Wilhelmshaven auslaufen. 14 Besatzungsmitglieder wurden bei einem PCR-Test postiv auf Corona getestet. Inzwischen hat der EGV "Berlin" heute um 14.00 Uhr doch abgelegt. Mit an Bord ist der Führungsstab des Verbandes. Die positiv auf Corona getesteten Besatzungsmitglieder sind ausgeschifft und isoliert. Marineforum wünscht gute Reise!...

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Aircraft accident on the Carl Vinson

The accident occurred on Monday in the South China Sea. The F-35 pilot was injured but is in a stable condition, the Navy announced. He was ejected from the aircraft after the failed landing on the deck of the "Carl Vinson". Six other crew members were also injured. The Navy did not provide any information about their condition, only that three of the injured were flown to Manila. The F-35C Lightning II fighter jet belongs to Carrier Air Wing 2 and landed after a routine flight; the pilot was rescued by an on-board helicopter. There was also no information on the cause of the crash. The "Carl Vinson" and the "Abraham Lincoln"...

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