Category: Armed Forces

Digital classroom for the Sea Lion

The digital Asterion classroom is used to train maintenance personnel for the new Naval Transport Helicopter (NTH) NH90 NTH Sea Lion. The system includes a soft panel cockpit with touchscreen instrument displays, a mission console trainer required for naval helicopter training, Asterion software, desktop hardware and tablets.


"Spessart" joins SNMG 1

Despite their advanced age, the two tankers of the "Rhön" class are still needed to supply units at sea. On Monday, the "Spessart" left its home port to initially carry out some training projects. To this end, instructors from the Navy's Damage Prevention Training Centre in Neustadt were on board. They brought the civilian crew under Captain Rolf-Heinrich von Bebern (53) up to speed. The "Spessart" will officially become part of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG 1) on Friday and will join the other units of the group in the English Channel on 18 January. These are currently the Portuguese flagship "Corte Real"...
