Category: Technology

Norway's climate decision

Alte Öl- und Gasfelder auf Ökostrom umstellen - oder vorzeitig schließen! In der derzeitigen deutschen Energiesituation lohnt es sich, einmal den Blick in das europäische Ausland zu richten. Wir sollten in Deutschland nicht zu einfach daran glauben, dass unsere europäischen Partner uns grenzenlos beliefern könnten. Mit Blick auf Norwegen erkennt man, dass auch vermeintlich fortschrittlichere und unabhängigere Partner so ihre Schwierigkeiten haben. Auch Norwegen, der größte Erdölproduzent Westeuropas, will seine Treibhausgas-Emissionen bis 2030 um 55 % gegenüber 1990 senken. Bis 2021 wurde aber nur eine Reduzierung von 4,5 % erreicht, wie vorläufige offizielle Statistiken zeigen. Norwegens Klimaminister Espen Barth Eide sagte...


The UK Government adopts National Maritime Safety Strategy

5-year strategy targets latest physical and cyber threats Like the Maritime Security Strategy issued on the same day, it involves the Department for Transport, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Commonwealth and Development, Home Office and Ministry of Defence. The new Maritime Security Strategy sets out how the UK will improve its capabilities in technology, innovation and cyber security. The 5-year strategy will formally recognise environmental damage as a maritime security issue to tackle modern problems such as illegal fishing and polluting practices. The UK's position as a world-leading maritime nation will be secured through a new strategy that recognises the...


Pacific Dragon 22: USS Fitzgerald deploys SM-3

After the large-scale exercise RIMPAC22 with 28 participating nations, almost 40 ships, 30 unmanned systems, 170 aircraft and 9 army contingents, there are now other naval manoeuvres in and around Hawaii that are worth mentioning: Pacific Dragon 22 (PD22) also takes place every two years, albeit with a different focus. This year, at the beginning of August, a short-range ballistic missile was intercepted by a sea-based SM-3 Block IA Standard Missile in "live fire" for the first time by a group of American, Australian, Canadian and South Korean destroyers and the US Missile Defence Agency. The interceptor missile was launched from the USS Fitzgerald, which hit the headlines almost exactly five years ago (June 2017) because...


Modernisation of simulators for NH90 NFH Sea Lion

The maintenance and repair trainer (maintenance rig, MTR) for training NH90 NTH Sea Lion aircraft technicians, which has been in operation at Naval Air Wing 5 in Nordholz since 2019, is being modernised. ESuT had reported on the delivery. The simulator enables the maintenance personnel of Naval Air Wing 5 to realistically train maintenance and repair procedures. Part of the maintenance training rig developed and supplied by Reiser Simulation und Training (RST) is the "functional cockpit" supplied by Rheinmetall. On behalf of the general contractor RST, Rheinmetall is upgrading the Asterion cockpit trainer Functional Cockpit, the company announced. With the help of a data recording on a real German Navy helicopter, the...


EU also boosts marine projects with € 1.2 billion investment plan

On 20 July, the European Commission announced that it would provide EU funding totalling almost €1.2 billion to support 61 joint defence research and development projects. The projects will be selected and the funds made available under the European Defence Fund (EDF). Projects in the field of naval armaments were also selected. European Defence Fund The European Defence Fund (EDF) for research and development of capabilities has been intended to promote the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the European defence technology and industrial base since 2018 and is aligned according to "dimensions". In addition, it was planned to initiate cooperation programmes that would not come about without an EU contribution. In June...
