Chinese reconnaissance ship "Haiwangxing" off Australia's west coast. Photo: DoD Canberra

Chinese reconnaissance ship "Haiwangxing" off Australia's west coast. Photo: DoD Canberra

Chinese reconnaissance ship off Western Australia

People "down under" don't like it when a reconnaissance vessel approaches the continent - and then flies the Chinese flag on top of it! This is what happened at the beginning of the month when the AGI survey vessel "Haiwangxing" of the Dongdiao class (Type 815A) was observed travelling up and down the west coast. Not in territorial waters, but in the Exclusive Economic Zone - and not far (50 nautical miles) from the Harold E. Holt communications station just north of Exmouth / North West Cape, which serves the submarines of the Australian, American and other allied navies in particular.

"Not bridge-building"

Chinese ships have recently been sighted more frequently to the north and east of the continent, where China is also endeavouring to establish a port of support with the Solomon Islands government, among others. In this context, Australia is fondly reminded of the lighting up of a P-8A Poseidon by the FK destroyer "Hefei" (Luyang III class, Type 52D) south of Java in mid-February. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison - currently on the election campaign trail - described the visit as "not exactly bridge-building" and related it to aggressive Chinese statements and demonstrations on the expansion of China's sphere of interest towards the Pacific island states in recent weeks.

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