Flotilla Admiral Kuchler bids farewell to the Berlin

Flotilla Admiral Kuchler bids farewell to the Berlin

Departure for the Mediterranean

A few hours ago, the Einsatzgruppenversorger (EGV) Berlin will leave its home port of Wilhelmshaven. Under the command of frigate captain Stefan Klatt, the ship will take over the contingent for Operation Irini in the coming weeks. The focus will be on monitoring the UN arms embargo against Libya. The Berlin is authorised to stop and search suspicious ships in the area of operation. In addition, information is to be collected and the export of crude oil and refined petroleum products from the North African country is to be prevented. In this way, the Berlin the Libyan coastguard and navy. Its operational area extends to the high seas outside the coastal seas of Libya and Tunisia.
For the first time, two Sea Lynx helicopters are embarked on an EGV for this mission. In addition to logistical tasks for transporting personnel and material, they support the reconnaissance work as a "flying eye". They also enable the embarked boarding teams to board the ships to be inspected quickly and safely. A total of 18 soldiers from Naval Air Wing 5 in Nordholz are embarked on board. They are responsible for flight operations, maintenance and repair.
Due to corona, the farewell ceremony took place on a very small scale. Despite all the restrictions, Flotilla Admiral Ralf Kuchler, Commander of Flotilla 2, did not miss the departure with his two young sons with the necessary safety distance.

Text: mb; Photo: Bundeswehr

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