Atlantic Navigator II. picture: FleetMon

Atlantic Navigator II. picture: FleetMon

Detained ship allowed to leave German harbour

A Russian cargo ship coming from Saint Petersburg has been detained by German customs since 4 March on suspicion of violating European sanctions against Russia. After weeks of checks, the ship was allowed to leave the port of Rostock again in mid-April.

The 193 metre long "Atlantic Navigator II" is managed by a Canadian shipping company and sails under the flag of the Marshall Islands. The ship was carrying 251 containers of birch wood for the USA. Although timber is subject to EU sanctions, it is not subject to US sanctions, according to the public prosecutor's office. It was also carrying enriched uranium for US customers, which is also exempt from US and EU sanctions; France also buys uranium in Russia.

The responsible main customs office in Stralsund pointed out that this ship's cargo, like all goods brought into the EU, was also subject to customs supervision. The "Atlantic Navigator II" had made an unscheduled call at a German shipyard due to propeller damage. In this context, compliance with the restrictions on foreign trade was checked, in particular sanctioned commercial goods.

After the ship was allowed to continue its voyage to Baltimore/USA, the German lawyer of the Russian captain assumes that the investigations against the captain will also be dropped soon.

Source: gCaptain,

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