The Bundeswehr and reservist running team had two new patrons for the charity runs in the first week of December. The new military patron is the Deputy Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, Lieutenant General Markus Laubenthal. The new civilian patron is Siemtje Möller, member of the Bundestag and defence politician.
With umbrella, cheque and relay
Lieutenant General Laubenthal took over the baton from Major General André Bodemann, the Commander of the Innere Führung Centre. Siemtje Möller's predecessor was the former Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Dr Peter Tauber. The assumption of patronage took place as part of a donation ceremony, during which cheques were handed over for the various organisations for which the running team had organised charity runs.
Donations over 22,000 euros
An impressive 20,000 euros were donated at the 2nd charity run organised by the Bundeswehr and reservist running team. This was split between two organisations.
Wings for Life
A first cheque for 10,000 euros was presented to the "Wings for Life Foundation for Spinal Cord Research" by the two deputy chairmen of the running team, Frigate Captain Anke Mies and Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Muhs. The charitable foundation has set itself the goal of finding a cure for paraplegia resulting from spinal cord injuries.
Association of German Veterans
A further cheque for 10,000 euros was handed over to the "Bund Deutscher EinsatzVeteranen". The association supports active and former soldiers of the German Armed Forces after deployment and war, their relatives and the families of fallen and killed comrades in their general, non-material, social and professional concerns.
Sponsorship Network Afghan Local Forces e.V.
A third cheque for 2,200 euros went to the association "Patenschaftsnetzwerk Afghanische Ortskräfte e.V.". The organisation supports deployed local staff and volunteers in dealing with the authorities, provides specialist expertise such as psychologists and therapists and offers support.
An initiative that pays off
Major General Gerd Nultsch, who was elected Chairman of the running team when the association was founded, was the initiator of the charity run in favour of the sponsorship network and handed over the donation to the treasurer in Bonn. He took the opportunity to thank Major General Bodemann and Peter Tauber profusely for their commitment and was delighted with the willingness of the two new patrons.
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