From a press release by the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) in Koblenz
The BAAINBw has concluded a contract with the company Elektroniksystem und Logistik GmbH (ESG) for the delivery of three systems of the unmanned rotorcraft "Sea Falcon". The systems, whose main components each consist of two Skeldar V-200 aircraft and a ground control station, will be fully integrated into the K130 class corvettes.
Modern reconnaissance equipment for the navy
The system enables the corvettes to reconnoitre and identify sea targets beyond the range of the on-board optical sensors. Due to its low optical and acoustic signature - especially when flying at night - the navy gains a significant increase in capability in the fight against piracy and weapons smuggling at sea. Compared to manned on-board helicopters, the system is designed for a mission duration of up to five hours, requires less space on board and is expected to have lower maintenance costs.
Why pilot phase?
On the occasion of the conclusion of the contract, the responsible project manager at BAAINBw said: "The pilot phase, which precedes series procurement, gives us the opportunity to demonstrate the high requirements placed on reconnaissance and identification in the maritime operational area in an integrated, quality-assured process. This ensures that a high level of planning security is guaranteed throughout the entire course of the project." The contract also includes the provision of spare parts packages, the initial training of technical and flying personnel and the establishment of a training centre for the system on land within the next four years.
Pleasing and long-awaited increase in capability - but not for another four years? The initial experiences with the unmanned rotorcraft on board the corvette "Braunschweig" on the fringes of the UNIFIL mission were already quite positive. Of course, operationally necessary improvements, the resolution of authorisation issues and the start of training for deployment and maintenance will take some time. But if the "Sea Falcon" comes sooner, we'll be in touch again!

The Sea Falcon landing on the corvette Braunschweig. Photo: Bundeswehr/Marcel Kroencke
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