Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis - Chief of Defence Forces. Photo: Bundeswehr

Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis - Chief of Defence Forces. Photo: Bundeswehr

Inspector of the Armed Forces Base becomes new ambassador for the Bundeswehr and Reservists Running Team e.V.

From a press release issued by the running team on 15 August 2023

After the Bundeswehr and Reservists e.V. running team had already Flotilla Admiral Bock as a new ambassador, the association is also pleased to welcome the Inspector of the Defence Forces Base (SKB), Mr Lieutenant General Martin Schelleisas another ambassador in our own ranks.

Bundeswehr & Reservists running team

Bundeswehr & Reservists running team

With Lieutenant General Schelleis, the running team will also receive support from the ranks of the inspectors of the Bundeswehr for the first time.

With regard to his role as ambassador, the SKB inspector emphasises above all that both our profession as soldiers and the times in which we live demand physical fitness and commitment from all of us.

"That's not everything, but without basic fitness it's nothing. I think coming together as a comradely team and doing good with donations is exemplary. When you run, you do something good for yourself - in the Bundeswehr and Reservists running team, we do good together - for ourselves and for others. That's why I'm happy to be an ambassador."

The entire association would like to thank the military leadership of the Bundeswehr for their active support and will be supporting the Invictus Games Foundation on the occasion of the Invictus Games 2023, which will be held at the same time as the fourth charity run in Germany.

As the Bundeswehr and reservist running team always supports civilian and military organisations at the same time, the donations collected will also go equally to the "Soldiers in Need" association and the German Maritime Search and Rescue Association.

The shared desire to do something good, to stand up for people in need and to make a difference is the driving force behind each individual and fuels this community of solidarity.

Everyone is welcome to join in and become part of this movement!

Tina Hecht

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